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11: City,/ <br />im Louisville <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />BUSINESS RETENTION AND <br />DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br />SUBJECT: <br />DATE: <br />RETENTION VISITS <br />OCTOBER 7, 2019 <br />PRESENTED BY: STAN ZEMLER, INTERIM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />DIRECTOR <br />SUMMARY: <br />At the September 3rd, 2019 BRaD meeting a discussion was held concerning how best <br />to reactivate business retention visits. The discussion centered around two possibilities: <br />monthly formalized committee visits and/or informal visits conducted by individual <br />committee members. There was also discussion regarding how to establish some level <br />of consistency with these visits (questions, timing, etc.). <br />Monthly Committee Visits <br />These visits would occur on a monthly basis, dates and times to be determined. The <br />full committee would be invited to attend. For example, these businesses are <br />interested: <br />Solid Power, Fresca Food and Crystal Springs Brewing to name a few. <br />These meetings would be organized by the Economic Vitality office. Committee <br />members would be expected to allocate at least 2 hours for each visit. Visits should <br />include: retail, industry, new businesses and property owners. <br />The Committee would report back at the next monthly meeting and determine what, if <br />any, follow-up is required. The Committee, in order to create consistent information <br />would utilize the following set of questions: <br />For Discussion: <br />1. Generally speaking, how are things going for your business? <br />2. What are the challenges facing you today and going forward? <br />3. What can the City of Louisville or the Committee do to be helpful? <br />4. Other questions? <br />Informal Visits <br />The idea of informal retention visits was also discussed. This proposal would <br />encourage BRaD Committee members to conduct visits on their own. The visit would <br />not be scheduled by the Economic Vitality office but instead, arranged by each <br />Committee member. <br />The same set of questions as proposed above would be used. The Committee member <br />would report back at the next scheduled BRaD meeting and it would be determined <br />what, if any, follow-up is necessary. <br />