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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />September 11, 2019 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />6. Board Updates <br />A. Laura reported that Bob would like to help OSAB craft a document for longer - <br />term goals and priorities for Open Space management to help guide City Council, <br />especially during the upcoming 2-year budgeting process. Bob, Ember, Helen, <br />Nathan, and Laura have met to start drafting this document. Laura will be <br />presenting a short power point to Council on 9/24/2019 to get their initial <br />feedback on the concept and content. OSAB will review and discuss in October <br />meeting. <br />B. David reported that the meeting for Conoco -Phillips property development was <br />attended by 4 member of OSAB and approximately 200 members of the public. <br />He noted that overall, the meeting was well handled. Laura stressed with <br />developer that OSAB wants to be involved in discussions from beginning, and <br />noted that their concept of Open Space seems to be small sections bisected by <br />lots of roads. She pointed out to the developer that this would lead to habitat <br />fragmentation. Some citizens seem to want more parks/sports fields on this <br />property. Lisa clarified that the City did request that the developer work with <br />OSAB earlier rather than later. <br />C. David attended the open meeting re: Transportation Master Plan. Most of the <br />passionate responses were about traffic (congestion on Hwy 42) rather than <br />Open Space. <br />7. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda <br />Carl Borrmann, 1545 Ford Ct, voiced his support for single-track trails and more <br />mountain bike opportunities in Louisville. <br />Wendy Sweet, 2600 Dartmouth Ave Boulder, Operations Manager for Boulder Mountain <br />Bike Alliance (900 members, 83 with 80027 zip code) voiced support for single-track <br />trails and more mountain bike opportunities, especially to connect areas. <br />Aaron Clark, 957 Sunflower St, expressed his thanks and appreciation for OSAB's work. <br />He supports more fun and safe bike routes through town, particularly for children. He <br />also notes improved trail names and signage would be helpful. <br />8. Discussion Item: Transportation Master Plan (TMP) (see page 9 of packet) <br />Lisa explained the TMP's structure of Policies, Projects, and Plans. Peter noted that <br />more detail is needed as plans become firmed up, but that overall it seems to be going in <br />the right direction. <br />David questioned the need to remove turn lanes on Via Appia and S Boulder Rd, and <br />commented that leaving infrastructure in place seems better than spending money to <br />remove it. David supports the South St underpass (under Hwy.42). He noted that the <br />trail along railroad tracks is of lower priority to him and would need coordination with <br />Broomfield in order to implement an actual connection. He supports better Dillon Road <br />crossings. <br />Laura supports not building parallel roads/trails near each other. Paradise Road and <br />proposed roads/trails on Conoco Phillips property are an example of this. <br />3 <br />