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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />September 11, 2019 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />easier to build due to topography; Ember noted that Boulder staff is more <br />supportive of Option B due to agricultural concerns. Laura noted that the <br />Marshall Rd crossing would also need to be addressed. <br />Wendy Sweet spoke in favor of this connection. <br />Aaron Clark Spoke in favor of this connection and noted that longer trails are a <br />"selling feature" for city with cyclists. <br />Ryan noted that OSAC annually ranks trails and this is #2; high on the list due to <br />connectivity. He also plans to add this trail to Superior's submission to Boulder <br />County request list. Ember noted that the deadline for Boulder County request <br />lists is January, 2020. <br />B. Rocky Mountain Greenway and Superior's Response <br />Joel noted that OSAC's stance is to not proactively seek connections thru <br />Superior with the Rocky Mountain Greenway trail organization (planned trail from <br />Rocky Mountain Arsenal to Rocky Mountain National Park). OSAC prefers <br />supporting trails that go around Rocky Flats due to potential radiation concerns, <br />especially given the soil disruption that would occur with trail building. <br />C. Connectivity needs to Nawatny Ridge (aka Conoco -Phillips) Property (pg. 12 of <br />Sept 2019 packet). <br />Ryan noted that the Hodgson -Harris Reservoir property is for sale; OSAC would <br />like to acquire this property Open Space due to unique bird life. Development <br />would probably consist of dense housing. He noted that OSAC is leaning towards <br />skirting this property to the south with trails along 88th and then hooking up with <br />Rock Creek Trail & Broomfield. <br />Laura noted OSAB interest in connecting new retail north towards downtown <br />Louisville, and that developer is keen to make the Rock Creek trail connections <br />work. She asked OSAC to keep us posted as plans develop. <br />Peter Ruprecht asked best way for OSAB & OSAC to work together. Laura noted <br />that OSAC can be invited to any meetings where Nawatny Ridge developers are <br />presenting. <br />15. Discussion Item: Superior's Coal Creek Trail Project & Nature Play <br />Ryan noted that re -build of trail after 2013 flood was influenced by the change in the <br />course of the creek. Superior Parks & Rec developed the plans for parks on both sides <br />of the creek, with the creek being an integral part of the park, encouraging <br />wading/playing in the creek. Access is rock -lined to reduce stream -edge degradation. <br />16. Discussion Item: Wayfinding (pgs 13-28 of Sept 2019 packet) <br />Laura presented and described these pages. Consultants recommended emphasizing <br />major arteries, with names, icons, and colors. Signage incorporates a small footprint <br />using colors & icons to make artery intersections clear. City Council has been reluctant <br />to approve the signage due to cost concerns. Ember noted efforts to clarify connections <br />at edge of Louisville to other communities. <br />