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can=WI 140► 67. <br /> CONCERNING VAGRAMITS. <br /> Passed July 6, 1909. Published in the Louisville News July 9, 1909. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF' LOUIS- <br /> VILLE, STATE OF COLORADO: <br /> Section 1. That any person able to work and support himself who <br /> shall be found loitering or strolling about, frequenting public <br /> places or begging, or leading an idle, immoral or profligate course <br /> of life in the Town of Louisville, or not having any visible means <br /> of support, shall be deemed a vagrant, and may be arrested as such <br /> and brought before the Police magistrate in said town. Such Police <br /> Magistrate small examine or cause to be examined such person tpro- <br /> vided such person is willing to submit to examination) , and shall <br /> hear testimony in relation to such person, ana if satisfied such <br /> person is a vagrant, may impose a fine of not less than five t 5) <br /> dollars, or imprison such person in the town jail not less than 13) <br /> three days nor more tnan fifty ( 5u) days, nor more than one hundred <br /> ( 10u.0u) dollars; and such person may oe made to work out such tine <br /> and the costs of prosecution, by the judgement of such magistrate, <br /> by hard labor upon the streets of said town, under the direction <br /> of the town marshal. Such person, who may be so fined and imprisoned <br /> or either, as aforesaid, shall oe credited with the sum of two t P2) <br /> dollars a day for eacn day of eight nours labor, towards the payment <br /> of such fine and costs; and in case such person shall refuse to <br /> work as aforesaid he may be put in iron and kept on bread and water, <br /> until he shall comply with such requirements. <br /> Section 2. it shall be the duty of the town marshals of the Town of <br /> Louisville to arrest any person or persons in said town without vis- <br /> ible means of support , or rambling abroad, or begging from house to <br /> house , or living as described in Section i of this Ordinance, and <br /> take such person or persons before the Police magistrate in the said <br /> town of Louisville to be examined or tried on the charge of vagrancy. <br /> Section 3. curing the time any person is working out his fine, .for- <br /> feiture or penalty, as provided in the foregoing sections, he shall <br /> each night be committed for safe keeping to the town jail, or other <br /> place of confinement provided for that purpose, unless he shall give <br /> security to the town in double the amount of fine and costs, to oe <br /> approved by the town marshals, that he will appear from aay to day <br /> ana work on said streets until such fine and costs shall have been <br /> fuliy paid. <br /> Adopted and passed July 6th, 1yM9. <br /> H. Inliiamson, <br /> Mayor. <br /> Attest: <br /> Nick Thomas, Jr. <br /> Olerk. <br />