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39. .11 <br /> J/ _`-__ - Section 3. The said bonds and coupons '" '"'� <br /> _ ______ <br /> �/ shall be in substantially the follpwing STATE OF COLORADO, <br /> No. 73. form:— Will pay the bearer Seventeen Dollars <br /> -- No. $500 and Fifty Cents at the office of the <br /> AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF LOUISVILLE. Town Treasurer of said Town of Louis- <br /> THE CREATION OF AN INDEBTED- { County STATE ,ville, being six months interest on <br /> NESS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- 1 of WATER BOND of Louisville Water Bond, Series of 1910, <br /> STRUCTING ADDITIONS TO AND , Boulder. COLORADO. .No. <br /> ENLARGING -THE PRESENT WA- The Town of Louisville. in the County This coupon is payable in Gold Coin <br /> TER SYSTEM OF THE TOWN OF of Boulder and State of Colorado, for of the Uniter States of America or its <br /> LOUISVILLE, COLORADO.., value received acknowledges itself in- equivalent at the holder's option. <br /> WHEREAS, in conformity with an debted, and hereby promises to pay to <br /> ordinance duly passed by, the Town the bearer Five Huriil'red Dollars in Gold TOWN TREASURER. <br /> Council of the Town of Louisville oi. coin lawful money of the Cnited States Section 4.• That sal$ bonds shall be — <br /> the 9th day of March, 1910, entitled, "An of America of the present standard of delivered by the Town Treasurer to the <br /> Ordinance to submit to the tax payers weight and fineness or the equivalent purchaser thereof and the proceeds <br /> of the Town of Louisville, eolorado, at I thereof on the First day of July, 1925 thereof shal be used"solely for the pur-1 ' <br /> the regular April 1910 election, the ques- with the interest thereon in like gold pose or improving and increasing the <br /> Lion as to their approval of the prop- coin or the eqivalent thereof at the rate capacity of the water works system, <br /> osition to issue bonds of the said town of Seven Per cent per annum payable and n payment for work, material, and, <br /> to the extent of ten thousand dollars semi-annually on the First day of Janu- machinery, and all indebtedness in- <br /> ($10,000) for the purpose of constructing ary and the First day of July, both curred in the improving and enlarging <br /> additions to and enlarging the present , principal and interest payable at the of said water works-system. <br /> water system of said town," there was office of the Town Treasurer in the said Section 5. That there be, and hereby <br /> submitted to such of the qualified elec- Town of Louisville, Colorado, upon the is, levied upon each and every dollar of <br /> tors 'of said Town of Louisville as had presentation and surrender of this bond valuation of the taxable property with- <br /> in the year 1909 paid a property tax in or the annexed coupons respectively as in said town, annually in addition to all <br /> said town, the question of incurring an they severally become due. other taxes, a tax sufficient tq pay the • <br /> indebtedness on behalf of said town and This bond is one of a series of bonds semi-annual interest on all of the said V. <br /> issuing its bonds, for the purpose of of like tenor and date which the said bonds outstanding, and also a tax suf- <br /> constructing additions to and enlarging Town of Louisv,Lile has isued for the ficient to produce $3,333 0-3 in each of the, ' <br /> the present water system of said town; purpose of constructing additions to and years 1922, 1923 and 1924, for the purpose • <br /> which question ,was so submitted to enlarging the present water system of of extinguishing the principal of said <br /> such electors at the regular biennial said town-inpursuance of an ordinance bonds within fifteen years from the date <br /> election of officers .of said town held of the said town of Louisville duly and of said bonds, and the taxing and col-,1 <br /> I on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, A. D. in due time, form and manner adopted, lecting officers of said town are hereby <br /> 1910. and published and made a law of said town authorized and required to levy , and f <br /> WHEREAS, a majority of those vot-I and under, by virtue of and in full and cause to be extended and collected such <br /> ing on said ,question at said election strict compliance with the provisions of 'taxes annually as become necessary for <br /> voted n favor of the creation of such an act of the General Assembly of the to .yy�pose afore�'aid, and due under <br /> indebtedness. 1 State of Colorado entitled "An Act in th'ts'Mdinanf5, and that said taxes when, <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD Relation to Municipal Corporations." collected shall be applied only to the <br /> OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF approved •April .4 A. D. 1877, and all payment of said interest and the prin- <br /> LOUISVILLE; amendatory and supplemental acts there cipal of said bonds respectively, and for <br /> Section 1. That the system of water of and thereto, and by virtue of the no other purpose whatever until the,said <br /> works for fire and domestic purposes authortiy of the vote of the qualified indebtedness so contracted under(this <br /> now owned and managed and operated electors of said town present and vot- ordinance, both principal and interest, <br /> by the Town of Louisville,"be improved ing on the question at an election regu- shall be fuly paid, satisfied and dis- ' <br /> an extended and the capacity thereof larly called and duly held in said town charged, provided, however, and it is , <br /> increased in accordance with the report on the 5th day of April, A. D. 1910, at hereb y so ordered and directed that the <br /> of the water commissioner of said town which election a majority of the legal_ earnings from the water works system <br /> and the necessities of said town; and balots cast upon the question were in . 1 of said town over and above the cost <br /> being authorized thereto by the vote of favor of the issuance of this bond. And of operating, maintaining and improv- <br /> the duly quailfied tax payers of said it is hereby certified and recited that ing the same shall he placed n the bond- <br /> town at the election held on the 5th day all acts, conditions and things required ing fund hereby and by other ordinancesI <br /> of April 1910. to be done precedent to and i n the issu- of the town' created, to be applied to <br /> Section 2. That .for the purpose of ing Of this bond to render the same law- the payment of the interest and the <br /> providing funds for the improvment of ful and valid have been properly done, I principal of the bonds hereby autho- <br /> said water works system as aforesaid, happened and performed in regular and rized; and provided, also, that in case <br /> the town shall issue its negotiable cou- due time, forret and maner as required of the payment of any one year into said - <br /> pon bonds in the aggregate amount of by law, and that the total indebtedness bond fund of any of the net revenues ' ' <br /> ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to be de- of the said town, including this bond, of the water works system of said town - <br /> signated "Water Works Bonds, Series exceeds neither the statutory nor the applicable to the payment of the bonds <br /> of 1910," consisting•.of twenty bonds in constitutional limitation of the State of herein provided for the interest andl <br /> the denomination, of five hundred doll- , Colorado. • principal as aforesaid, then and in that <br /> ars ($500 00 each, payable in gold coin The bonds comprised in this series event the tax levy hereinbefore provided <br /> of the United States, of the present shall be redeemed by the said town in for may for the next succedding year <br /> standard of weight and fineness, or the consecutive order beginning with bond be reduced so as to raise only such an. <br /> equivanlent thereof, bearing interest No. 1. amount as may be necessary to meet <br /> from and after the first day of July, In testimony whereof the said Town' the interest ion such bonds when and as <br /> 1910, at the rate of seven per cent per of Louisville has caused this bond to the same accrues, together with the sum <br /> nanum, payable semi-annually on the he signed;bv its Mayor, attested by its herein- provided for necessary to ex- <br /> first day of January and July in each t Clerk and Recorder, under the corpor-' 1 tinguish the principal of said bonds at <br /> year. Said bonds shall be numbered ate seal of the said town, and counter maturity. <br /> in regular and consecutive order corn- signed by the Treasurer of said Town And the sums hereinbefore provided <br /> mencing with No. 1, and shall be paya-{ of Louisv111, this first day of July, A. for to meet the interest on said bonds , <br /> ble in the order of their number on the D. 1910. and to discharge the principal thereo <br /> first day of July, A. D. 1925; said bonds when due,arehereby appropiatedfor tha <br /> the the coupons attached thereto shalt MAYOR. purpose, and the said amount for eac•, <br /> be payable at the office of the Town Attest: year shall also be included in the an <br /> Treasurer of said Town of Louisville; •• •• _ appropiation bills by the Towp Co <br /> said bonds shall bear date of the first, Clerk and Recorder. of said town in each of said y'et" <br /> day of July, A.D 1910;Nnd shall be signed •••• respectively. •._ <br /> by the Mayor and attested by the Town Town Treasurer. Secton 6. It shall be the duty of th_ '^-- <br /> Clerk, under the official seal of said (SEAL) Town Coucil of said town, annually, a <br /> town, counter signed by the Town Treas- FORM QF COUPON. , the time and in the manner provide. <br /> urer, and shall be recorded in a book $17.50 $17.50 by law for levying other town taxes. - <br /> to be kept by the Town Clerk for that On the day of ' A. D. • if such action shall be necessary to of • <br /> purpose; there shall be attached to'each THAT TOWN OF LOUISVILLE, fectuate the provisions of this ordinance,. <br /> bond, thirty cupons, numbered consecu- IN THE COUNTY OF BOULDER AND to ratify and carry out the provisions , <br /> tively from one to thirty, both numbers i i hereof with the reference to the levy- <br /> inclusive, each coupon representing a ing and collection of taxes, and shall <br /> semi-annual installment of interest on require the officers of and for said town'. <br /> said bond to which it is attached and to levy, extend and collect such taxes <br /> securing the payment, of interest as it in the manner provided by law for the ' 4 <br /> accrues, which said coupon shall bear purpose of creating a fund for the pay <br /> the original or fac-simile signature of- ment of the interest and the principa • <br /> tbbe treasurer • f said town, and the of said bonds, and said tax when col <br /> number of tic boltd,• to which it is lected shall be kept for and applied only <br /> attaollec aid •Wotioue ..when .so to the payment of the interest and prin- <br /> made, executed and`.d ilvered^as a' part cipal of said bonds as hereinbefore <br /> of said bond, shall be lawful obligations specified. <br /> of said town securing the payment of Section 7. This ordinance shall be and^ <br /> said interest in the hands of all parties remain irrepealable until said bonds and <br /> to whom they may_go e._.._-_ _� the interest thereon shall have been - <br /> fully paid, satisfied and discharged <br /> as herein provided. <br /> Section 8. This ordinance immediately- <br /> upon is passage, shall be recorded in the E <br /> book or ordinances of said town, kept <br /> for that purpose, authenticated by the' <br /> signature of the Mayor and Clerk, and <br /> shall be published in the Louisville <br /> News and Black Diamond World, andl <br /> shall be in full force and effect five <br /> days after such publication. <br /> Introduced, read and ordered published <br /> this 6th day of July, A. D. 1910. <br /> Wm. AUSTIN, <br /> Mayor. <br /> Attest: <br /> FRANK GUTFELDER, <br /> (SEAL) Town Clerk. <br />