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ORDIN NCE O. 94 <br /> IIIAN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SIDEWALKS. . <br /> BE IT ORDAINA!) BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TO%VN OF LOUIS- <br /> VILLE, BOULDER COUNTY, COLORADO: <br /> Section 1. Every owner, tenant, occupant, or agent of any such <br /> owner, shall hereafter keep the sidewalk)adjoining and abutting- the <br /> premises) or tenement owned, lease , occupied or represented by any <br /> such person, firm or corporation,cfree and clear of, ice and snow, <br /> and shall after any snowfall cause- the snow to be immediately re- <br /> movedfrom such sidewalk into the 'carriageway of the street; Pro- <br /> vided that in case of a snowfall in the nighttime such snow shall <br /> be removed within two and one-half- hours after sunrise thereafter. <br /> And, provided further, that where a dwelling house or other ' build- <br /> ing shall be occupied by different tenants or occupants, it shall <br /> be the duty of the person or persons occupying the tenement or `ten- <br /> ements, Story or stories,) nearest such sidewalk to comply with the <br /> requirements of this section, without releasing however, the owner <br /> of the said property or 'premises from liability hereunder. <br /> Section 2. Where any premises or parts of premises are not occupied <br /> in. any manner, it shall be the duty of the owner thereof to comply <br /> with the requirements of Section 1 of this Ordinance , unless some <br /> person, firm or corporation, other than such otirner holds a lease <br /> . thereon. InWhich event eithor or both of said owner or leasee <br /> , shall be held liable for the compliance with this Ordinance. So <br /> therefrom any resident agent that may have charge of such premises <br /> shall be held liable for the compliance of such ordinance in case <br /> the owner of ,any such premises unoccupied shall be a none resident <br /> of the, Town of Louisville. <br /> Section 3. The owners and agents of the owners, of all vacant lots <br /> in the Town of Louisville which lots adjoin or abut upon any side- <br /> walk in this town, shall keep the same free and clear of snow and <br /> ice , and shall, after any fall of snow, cause the same to be im- <br /> mediately removed from such sidewalk into the carriageway of the <br /> street. Provided that in case of a snow fall in the night time <br /> such snow shall be removed within two and one-half hours after <br /> sunrise thereafter. <br /> Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating or failing <br /> to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed <br /> guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be fined in a sum not <br /> less than Three Dollars ($3. 00) and not more than Twenty Five <br /> A$25. 00) Dollars. <br /> Section 5. ,In the opinion of the Board of Trustees, of the Town <br /> of Louisville, the foregoing ordinance is essential and necessary <br /> to the preservation of the health and safety of the inhabitants of <br /> the town and such ordinance shall be and become in effect from and <br /> after its passage and publication and, the period prescribed bylaw <br /> for the taking effect of ordinances in incorporated towns. <br />