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Section'6. <br />Any prisoner may at`anystime" pay"'the Ttarshal the amount -of his fine <br />and costs, or the balance dine thereon, after deducting"the'suth due <br />for work that shall have been performed by him upon: such" payment <br />orr the) performance of the labor requisite for the satisfaction of <br />such fine and costs, or upon any other sufficient reason for his <br />discharge, the Marshal shall give the prisoner a.printed or writ- <br />ten discharge and set him at liberty upon receipt of any such fine <br />and costs, the Marshal shall forthwith make return of the writ and <br />amount so received to the committing Magistrate. <br />Marshal to Care for Prisoners. <br />Section 7. Said Marshal shall attend to the safe keeping of all. <br />prisoners committed to his care; shall see that meals are properly <br />provided for them, have sufficient, good and wholesome food; that <br />their sleeping, apartments are properly cleaned and ventilated, and <br />perform such other duties in relation to such prisoners as may be <br />prescribed by the Board of Trustees, and he is authorized, in be- <br />half of the town, to purchase all provisions necessary for such <br />prisoners. <br />Marshal Keep Register of Prisoners --Report. <br />Section S. The, Town Marshal shall deliver to his successors in <br />office all such prisoners as may be in his custody; heshall enter <br />in clear and intelligible form the time of the commitment of each <br />prisoner, the name of said prisoner, the number of times said pri- <br />soner ,shall have been committed, an accurate account of the number <br />of days" labor performed, the time at which he will b'e legally <br />entitled to his discharge, the fact of the discharge and the time <br />thereof, an itemized accbrunt of provisions and other articles pro- <br />cured 'for such prisoners and all receipts and expenditures what- <br />soever connected with such custody of prisoners, and such other <br />facts as shall be necessary, and said Marshal shall make a monthly <br />report to the Board of Trustees, and such other reports as the <br />Board may require,,of all matters required to be recorded in said <br />book. <br />WordsoConstrued. <br />Section 9. Words herein denoting the singular number may be applied <br />to the plural, and words denoting the plural may be applied to the <br />singular of persons and things, and words denoting the masculine <br />gender only may be construed to include female also. <br />