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It shall be the duty of the Town Clerk to render a 'yearly statement <br /> to' each water consumer showing the total yearly water rental, all of <br /> such rates and, assessMents shall be due and payable monthly in` advance <br /> - on the first day of each calandar month. If not so paid the appli- <br /> cable provisions of Rule 6 of Section 6 of Ordinance No. 128, as here- <br /> inafter amended shall' apply. <br /> Section 1. Amended by Ordinance No. 2.05 by an addition. <br /> Section '2.. That Rile 6 of Section 6 of Ordinance No. 128 be and the <br /> same is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> Rule 6. The water rates 'and assessments must be paid monthly in ad- <br /> vance , Without notice at the Office of the Town Clerk on the first <br /> day of each and every calandar month; if not so paid on or before the <br /> 10th day of the month they shall become delinquent and a penalty of <br /> 10% must be added, and collected as part of the water rental.,. And <br /> if the said water rentals are not paid on or before the 20th of the <br /> said month the water will be turned off. Should the occupant of the , <br /> premises turn on the water or cause it to be turned on after it has <br /> been shut off at the curb cock it will be turned off at the main and <br /> a charge of ten dollars ($10. 00) will be made for the expenses of <br /> 111 turning it on again... <br /> Section 3. The Board of Trustees hereby finds, determines and de- <br /> dares this Ordinance necessary for the immediate preservation of <br /> the public peace , health and safety. <br /> Section 4. In the opinion of the Board of Trustees an emergency <br /> exists therefore, this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force <br /> on the first day of July, A. D. , 1937. <br /> Section 5. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict here- <br /> with are hereby repealed, <br /> Introduced, read, adopted and ordered published on this 1st day of <br /> June , A. D. 1937. <br /> Wm. Jenkins , <br /> Mayor <br /> Attest: <br /> John Moffitt , <br /> Town Clerk. <br /> The foregoing Ordinance. No. 192, upon its passage was ordered pub- <br /> lished in the Louisville Times, <br /> John, Moffitt, <br /> Town Clerk. <br />