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ORLYi AN L N-CL 202. <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO NAME CERTAIN STREETS NOW EXISTING AND BEING USED <br /> AS .ru.SLIC WAYS WITHIN THE TOWN OF LOUISVILLE, WHICH SAID PUBLIC WAYS <br /> HAVE HERETOFORE REMAINED UNNAMED;, <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF LOUISVILLE, <br /> BOULDER, COUNTY, COLORADO: <br /> Section 1. That the public right-of;way hereinafter designated and <br /> , described be named ELM STREET; viz: that street bounded on the north <br /> by tracts 4 and 5," Original Town of, Louisville, on south by the north <br /> line of, Parbois Tract' No. 713 and 718, on the east by 600 Block Front <br /> Street , and on the West by the north end of Roosevelt Avenue. <br /> Section 2. ' That the public right-of-way hereinafter designated and <br /> described be named PARK STREET, viz: that street bounded on the north <br /> by tract 694, on •the South by the North line of Spruce Street , on the <br /> East by the West line of Block 4, East Louisville Addition, and on the <br /> west by the east line of Block 3, East Louisville Addition. <br /> Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict ho rewith <br /> are hereby repealed. <br /> Introduced, read, adopted, approved and ordered published in the Louis- <br /> ville Times on this 2nd day of May, A. D. 1939. <br /> Vim. Jenkins, <br /> Mayor. <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Louis Gutfelder, Jr. , <br /> Town Ckrk. <br />