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ORDINAICE NO. 204. <br /> AN, ORDINANCE CONCERNING POLL TAXES AND TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. <br /> 116, ENTITLED "AN' ORDINANCE CONCERNING POLL TAX, REPEALING SECTION <br /> ONE OF °ORDINANCE NO. 36, " ADOPTED MAY 7, A. D. 191S, AND REPEALING <br /> ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN. CONFLICT HEREWITH. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF LOUIS- <br /> VILLE, BOULDER COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO: <br /> Section 1. That the ordinance No. 116 is hereby amended to read as <br /> follows: "That each able bodied male citizen of this Town, between <br /> the ages of twenty-one and sixty years of age , who shall be such <br /> citizens on the first day of April of any year, who shall not be by <br /> law exempt, and who shall not be aH World War veteran, who are hereby <br /> declared tp be, exempt , shall pay annually hereafter to the Street <br /> Commissioner of this Town, a poll tax of Three (03. 00) Dollars , or <br /> in lieu of such tax shall perform one day of work of eight hours , <br /> under the direction of the Street Commissioner, upon the streets and <br /> alleys of this Town for the cleaning and improving thereof. All of <br /> the moneys collected in payment of such tax shall constitute a spec- <br /> ial fund to be, used exclusively for the cleaning, improvement and <br /> repair of such streets and alleys. The payment of such tax by money <br /> or labor as aforesaid shall be at the option of the taxpayer. Such <br /> year for the purpose of this Act shall commence on the first day <br /> of April of each year and end on the 31st day of the following March" <br /> Section 2. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict here- <br /> with are hereby repealed. <br /> ' Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of July, A. D. 1939, and <br /> ' ordered published in the Louisville Times. <br /> Wm. 'Jenkins, <br /> Mayor. <br /> Attest: <br /> Louis Gutfelder, Jr. , <br /> 'Town Clerk. <br />