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<br /> LOUISVILLE, COLD ec • 1.tl'_, 1915•
<br /> TOIVr Of Ir,�'14.SY:i_l1e
<br /> mr, ou )J4,,;,,L ilrr Ordinance
<br /> _.i
<br /> . Ordinance No. 1-7 r/)
<br /> i
<br /> �'n-a
<br /> An ordinance in relation to Taxes for 11�' , OA
<br /> '4,thip fiksr yaar-from April 1st, 1916 to 11
<br /> ,ny„� ' r
<br /> B' ' i=)AINED BY THE ARD + Received Payment �4` E (,�,
<br /> ti_ N OF TI1 .BTU*. >f _ __ .- ._... .._.... _
<br /> 1'1`>YILLY, BOULD CCITNT , i� PRt)()F i)1 PUBLICATION
<br /> 1TI), F CO ORADO.` '
<br /> v 119.,i .1. That there be and hereby County of Boulder,
<br /> li upon the taxable property 1 W.. L .. $ Yank
<br /> :sonal, and mired, situated in I i , 3' do solemnly swear
<br /> wn of Louisville, for the fiscal, that I , and at' all times at and between the dates hereinafter
<br /> o P 1916 a total of fourteen (14)' mentioned,was the Manager of THE LOUISVILLE TIMES, that The
<br /> upon each dollar of valuation of Louisville Times is a weekly newspaper and has general circulation in
<br /> nrc�erty for the purpose of yeild- said County of Boulder and elsewhere, that said newspaper is printed
<br /> P of2$ix Thousand:three in, and published in said lFounty of Boulder; that said The Louisville
<br /> i n l E d severity four (6,374) dollars Times is a newspapei printed and published in said County of Boulder
<br /> e f or tide purse of..dekayi ':. and was tabiished and continuously and uninterruptedly published
<br /> eral current expenses of said in said County (luring a period of twenty-six weeks prior to the first
<br /> •
<br /> ,,rr�`'ii,, improvements, contingences and publicatioh of the notice, a copy whereof is hereto attached; and
<br /> i er;;;it on outstanding bonded irdebt- that said The Louisville Times is a newspaper within the meaning
<br /> as appropriated heretofore, of "An act to Regulate the Printing of Legal Notices and Advertise-
<br /> Section 2, All ordinances and parts meets" constituting Chapter 59 of the Colorado Session Laws of 1897.
<br /> off;ordinances in con.11ict herewith are I Milan further says that the hereunto annexed advertisement is a
<br /> I reoy repealed. /. true copy of the original, and was regularly published in each and
<br /> In troduced, read, adopted and ordered• every number of the regular and entire issue of said nawspaper, and
<br /> ubliished by publication in the Lonis-
<br /> 1 file Times, this 23rd day of Novembe not in a supplement, for the period of.....5jq-,t,..W'QIk
<br /> 916.
<br /> Attest:— by one a insertions,and that the first
<br /> I Allan McDonald
<br /> " H, A. Moore
<br /> Town Cleri, Mayor publication thereof was in the issue dated re c• 1 , -1 T 1F
<br /> - -�, ----, and the last publication was a is a dated.. ....>z y. 1 ;Q11j
<br /> Subscrib d in my presence and sworn before me this .. ....
<br /> day of .. ?T.+<?.er...191..
<br /> My commission will expire... . ... .. ...2%T..l,/-1,
<br /> r '
<br /> notary Public,
<br /> •
<br />