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44 . <br /> .d LOUISVILLE, COLO.—�a Z--- _ 1917 <br /> a- —1 ni,„... r/..,,,,,,„, <br /> 7...,,,4, <br /> ORDINANCE No. 110 <br /> An ordinance concerning licences and To THE LOUISVILLE TIMES Dr. <br /> -er to repeal parts of Ordinance No. 97, ap <br /> proved December 6th, 1914, in conflict __ <br /> herewith. <br /> Be it ordained by the board of Trus- <br /> Ion tees of the Town of Louisville, Boulder <br /> the County, Colorado. <br /> Section 1. It shall not be lawful for i ,- <br /> any person, firm or corporation, to car- <br /> ay- ry on the business of keeper for gain or <br /> ay. hire within the town of Louisville, an <br /> shuffle board, knife board, cane, ring Received Payment <br /> ere or doll rack. or shooting gallery, or <br /> ner any similar game, unless first having PROOF OF PUBLICATION <br /> obtained a license from the Town Clerk STATE OF COLORADO, <br /> in accordance with the provisions of Count f Boulder, <br /> 'III this ordinance. V� <br /> do solemnly swear <br /> Section 2. The Clerk of the Town of I, ••• ••• ` <br /> For Louisville may issue a license to any that I am, and at all times at'and betwe the dates hereinafter <br /> aeh applicant to carry on any business mentioned,was the Manager of THE LOUISVILLE TIMES, that The <br /> mentioned in Section one of this or- Louisville Times is a weekly newspaper and has general circulation in <br /> ter dinance upon payment to him of the said County of Boulder and elsewhere, that said newspaper is printed <br /> ing sum of One and 50-100 Dollar for the in, and published in said County of Boulder; that said The Louisville <br /> ka' first day and the sum of One Dollar for Times is a newspaper printed and published in said County of Boulder <br /> ka. each day thereafter for a less period of and was established and continuously and uninterruptedly published <br /> the one month; the sum of Ten and no-100 in said County during a period of twenty-six weeks prior to the first <br /> for the period of one month; and the', publication of the notice, a copy whereof is hereto attached; and <br /> ves sum of Fifteen and no 100 Dollars fora <br /> Leh, <br /> that said The Louisville Times is a newspaper within the meaning <br /> It the period of one year. "An act to <br /> Regulate Re Tulate the Printing of Legal Notices and Advertise- <br /> Section 3. Any person who shall) ments" constituting Chapter 59 of the Colorado Session Laws of 1897. <br /> we violate any of the provisions of this Afiiant further says that the hereunto annexed advertisement is a <br /> ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a true copy of the original, and was regularly published in each and <br /> misdemeanor. and upon conviction every number of the regular and entire issue of said nawspaper, and <br /> Lid shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars <br /> ot- nor more than Three Hundred Dollars, not in a supplement, for the period of <br /> Section 4. All ordinances or parts <br /> Ong of ordinances in conflict herewith are by insertions, and that the first <br /> V , hereby repealed. / <br /> ;r'S Introduced, read, adopted and or- <br /> publication thereof was in the issue dated . .......... ... ..I 1 .I F <br /> dered published this 6th day of Novem- <br /> 'Or_ ber, A. D. 1917. and the last publication was in he issue dated —� /� <br /> nk, Geo. H. Kennedy. �� r�U7iLX <br /> Mayor L��/� � „ <br /> 1 n Attest: H. E. Usinger I ��1`y <br /> Clerk. Subscribed in my presence and sworn before me this ..... .... • <br /> First published in The Louisville �/ / <br /> ;ed Times, November 16, 1917. _lay of t 191.1.. 'I / / / �9 <br /> bo ---- My commission will ex " ` <br /> lk ary Public, <br /> —. <br />