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LOUISVILLE, COLO. / 2 191 I <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 114 _ To THE LOUISVILLE TIMES Dr. ` <br /> AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING --- _ <br /> FAST DRIVING WITHIN THE <br /> TOWN LIMITS AND PROVIDING A <br /> - PENALTY FOR CONVICTION <br /> 3 THEREOF. <br /> BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE BOARD <br /> OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN <br /> OF LOUISVILLE, BOULDER <br /> t COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO: 1 <br /> Section 1. That from and after the Received Payment , <br /> • <br /> I passage of this act it shall be unlawful --- <br /> for any person,or persons, to ride or PROOF OF PUBLICATION <br /> drive any animal, motorcycle, <br /> ADO. Y auto- STATE OF COLORADO, i <br /> mobi:he or other vehicle in or upon any CouV of Boulder, <br /> ' highway, street, avenue alley or other <br /> ' place within the limits of the town of I,'• '� ''�!.GAL.�C G. do solemnly swear <br /> Louisville, at a faster rate of speed that I am, and at all times at'and b ween the dates hereinafter <br /> than fifteen (15) miles per hour, and mentioned,was the Manager of THE LOUISVILLE TIMES, that The <br /> any person or persons so riding or Louisville Times is a weekly newspaper and has general circulation in <br /> driving shall be deemed guilty of a said County of Boulder and elsewhere, that said newspaper is printed <br /> misdemeanor, and upon conviction in, and published in said County of Boulder; that said The Louisville <br /> thereof shall be fines'in a sum nod s 'limes is a newspaper printed and published in said County of Boulder <br /> li <br /> , than five nor more tha ifty ollar and was established and continuously and uninterruptedly published <br /> together with the costs of such pros. <br /> in said County during a period of twenty-six weeks prior to the first <br /> ' ecution, <br /> publication of the notice, a copy whereof is hereto attached; and <br /> Section 2, All ordinances or parts that said The Louisville Times is a newspaper within the meaning <br /> of "An act to Regulate the Printing of Legal Notices and Advertise- <br /> of ordinances in conflict herewith are <br /> , hereby repealed. ments" constituting Chapter 59 of the Colorado Session Laws of 1897. <br /> Introduced, read, adopted and ordered Affiant further says that the hereunto annexed advertisement is a <br /> published in the Louisville Times, this true copy of the original, and was regularly published in each and <br /> 16rh day of April, A, D., 1918, every number of the regular and entire issue of said nawspaper, and <br /> H. E. Usinger, Geo. II. Kennedy L,��r / <br /> Clerk Mayornot in a supplement, for the period of —(fYr� <br /> First published in the Louisville <br /> Times, April 2E, A. D 1918. by insertions, and that the first <br /> ' publication thereof was in the issue dated C�% A,a 2 . /9/1 ,.. <br /> and the last publication was in the issue dated..- /�.�i�-5:"« <br /> V�Lrlt Q 13 YDa+j"n .' <br /> Subscribed in my presence and swo n before me this ./0/... <br /> day of . �. . 191 <br /> commission will expire .. ... q Ai <br /> Notary Public, <br /> I <br />