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ORDINANCE• NO. 121 <br /> AN ORDINANCE CONCE i tNIN.G(P q� <br /> AND MAKING APPROPRIA- : LOUISVILLE, COLO./ -b 19K1 <br /> TIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ' <br /> COMMENTING APRIL 1st, 1920 <br /> AND ENDING A.PRIL 1st, 1921. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD <br /> OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN t To THE LOUISVILLE TIMES Dr. <br /> OF LOUISVILLE, BOULDER • _....- --- <br /> COUNTY, COLORADO. <br /> Section 1, The following named <br /> suns of money :fn.: the following <br /> named objects-and--pt nooses are here- <br /> by appropriated, from any moneys in <br /> or coming into, the Town Treasury of <br /> the Town of Louisville, Boulder <br /> County, Colorado f,'r Its usds and <br /> Du'poses, to defray ill the necessary it <br /> Received Payment <br /> eat ,enses and liabiI•ti• a of the Town, r <br /> incurred or to 13• i. .hired, for the C PROOF OF PUBLICATION <br /> fis,al year commEncimg on the 1st 4 STATE OF COLORADO, <br /> da a of April, 1920 an , ending on the 1, Counill, of Boulder <br /> lst day of April, if+21 to-wit: .�aJt� do solemnly swear <br /> For Mayor and `trustees' s I'"' <br /> Ti that I am, and at all times at,`and betwe n the dates hereinafter <br /> salaries 315.00 s mentioned,was the Manager of THE LOUISVILLE TIMES, that The <br /> For salaries of Town Mar- <br /> NV Louisville Mimes is a weekly newspaper and has general circulation in <br /> shall and Town Clerk, NS` said County of Boulder and elsewhere, that said newspaper is printed <br /> ex-oflicio Water and d in, and published in said County of Boulder; that said The Louisville <br /> Street Commfss•oner 3,180.00 la Times is a newspaper printed and published in said County of Boulder <br /> For Salary of T,wn At- 3 and was established and continuously and uninterruptedly published <br /> • torney .. .... .........:250,00 o in said County during a period of twenty-six weeks prior to the first <br /> For salary ofTo-vn Trees o publication of the notice, a copy whereof is hereto,attached; and <br /> urea 75.00 s that said The Louisville Times is a newspaper within the meaning <br /> For salary of Health Of- of of "An act to Regulate the Printing of Legal Notices and Advertise- <br /> fieer 100.00 0'; ments" constituting Chapter 59 of the Colorado Session Laws of 1897. <br /> For street lighting 2000,00 E <br /> a Affiant further says that the hereunto annexed advertisement is a <br /> For interest on Town a true copy of the original, and was regularly published in each and <br /> Water Bonds 1,600.CO h every number of the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and <br /> For stationery, printing <br /> and eledt ion expenses.. 800.00 ti not in a supplement, for the period of ••••. <br /> For repairing,improving f <br /> and cleaning streets and ` by insertions,and that the first <br /> alleys ; 2,500.00 rrlCOOL <br /> _�, „/f 4 /7-76 <br /> For repairing, improving t1 publication thereof was in the issue dated 9"�'C�1Je-F� f <br /> and extending water sys-• <br /> ��� <br /> tern 5,000.00 St and the last publication was�the issue dated <br /> For assesrment of Coal th l±p a &MAO_Ai <br /> Creek Ditch Stock.... 30.00 ot;' <br /> For Firemen 100.00 w. <br /> ,,For fire department!ap- . T; Subscribed in my presence and sworn before me this ..te .. . <br /> pliances 100.00 aK <br /> For Louisville Cemetery 50,00 n; day of G���d L 19 /` /��� <br /> For Compensation lnsur- X • �� <br /> ante premium. 32.00 tr My commission will expire f/ <br /> For sinking fund to re- r, <br /> deem water bonds.... 3,009.00 e <br /> For contingent expenses 1,286.63 Notary Public, <br /> Total 19,918.63 <br /> Sectien 2. All unexpended bal- <br /> ances remaining in any fund heretofore <br /> made and created, except moneys ap- r <br /> pro;oriated to any sit king fund, or <br /> funds or pension fund, and so <br /> rein aining at the begu ping of the fis- <br /> cal year, beginning Ap:it 1, 1920, are <br /> her transferred to the general fuud <br /> of t he town and made subject to the <br /> foregoing appropriations. <br /> Suction 3. Ail ordinances and parts <br /> of ordinances in ccnflict herewith <br /> Ore hereby repealed <br /> Introduced, read, adopted and or- <br /> der,d published in the bouisville Times <br /> ,his 2nd day of March, A.D, 920. <br /> Geo. Golden <br /> Mayor <br /> Attest: <br /> H. E. Usinger, Clerk <br /> e <br />