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yy, <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 127. 24a <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO <br /> AND RESTRICTING THE USE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS AND To THE LOUISVILLE TIMES Dr. <br /> REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES — - <br /> Oil. PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN <br /> CONFLICT HEREWITH: <br /> Be it Ordained by the Board of t <br /> Trustees of the Town of Louisville, 1 <br /> County of Boulder, State of Colorado; <br /> SECTION I 1 _ <br /> That itis.herehy made unlawful for f <br /> any person, persons, concern or con- • <br /> eithert <br /> t make, manufacture, keep, procur ,re- I eeei�Ed Payment �.. ..� .. \ <br /> directly Y. <br /> ceive, serve, give away, purchase, sell PROOF OF PUBLICATION <br /> barter or to exchange, for or without STATE OF COLORADO, <br /> any compensation any vinous, spirit- <br /> ous,or intoxicating liqours, to offer or County of Boulder, <br /> 1 to advertise the same in any way, or I, .... L. do solemnly swear <br /> in any wise to traffic therein. that I am, and at all times at'an etween the dates hereinafter <br /> SECTION 2. mentioned,was the Manager of THE LOUISVILLE TIMES, that The <br /> That this ordinance shall be con Louisville Times is a weekly newspaper and has general circulation in <br /> strueu as intended to procure for the said County of Boulder and elsewhere, that said newspaper is printed <br /> inhabitants of the Town of Louis in, and published in said County of Boulder; that said The Louisville <br /> vine, absolute prohibition excepting in Ph is a newspaper printed and published in said County of Boulder <br /> the cases of proper sacramental or and was established and continuously and uninterruptedly published <br /> medicinal uses. l in said County during a period of twenty-six weeks prior to the first <br /> SECTION 3 tpublication of the notice, a copy whereof is hereto attached; and <br /> That every infraction of this ordi that said The Louisville Times is a newspaper within the meaning <br /> nance shall be punishable by a fine of f '"An act to Regulate the Printing of Leal Notices and Advertise- <br /> not to exceed Three Hundred ($300.00) ments" constituting Chapter 59 of the Colorado Session Laws of 1897. <br /> Dollars, or by imprisonment in the Affiant further says that the hereunto annexed advertisement is a • <br /> Town Jail of not to exceed Thirty (30) true copy of the original, and was regularly published in each and <br /> days'or by both such fine and imprison- every number of the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and <br /> men t. � w , <br /> SECTION 4. not in a supplement, for the period of...dY` . <br /> That should any word phrase, clause, <br /> or sentence herein contained, be de- <br /> by insertions, and that the first <br /> Glared unconstitutional or illegal the <br /> same shall not effect or invalidate any publication thereof was in the issue dated <br /> residue or remaining part of this or- <br /> oinance, and the Town Board hereby and the last publication was in the issue dated. .�N? . .. /f1-,J <br /> declares that regardless of any such <br /> unconstitutional or illegal portions it <br /> would have enacted the remainder of /� <br /> said ordinance notwithstanding. f Sub ibed in my presence and sworn before me this ..... <br /> SECTION 5. <br /> That in all suits under this act the; as <br /> possession of intoxicating vinous, or I `lay • <br /> 19r��, /9�d <br /> alcoholic liquors, by any person or per- My commission ill ex <br /> sons, concern cr concerns, associations <br /> or corporations, except as in this or- <br /> dinance previded shall be deemed a <br /> violation of this ordinance. ary Public, <br /> SECTION 6. <br /> That in the opinion of the Town <br /> Board, this ordinance is necessary for <br /> the immediate preservation of the pub-'I <br /> ilc health, welfare and safety and shall <br /> take effect immediately upon the final <br /> passage. <br /> Introduced, read, and adopted, atd <br /> ordered publisher; this fourth (4th) <br /> day of January, A. D.1921. <br /> Geo. Golden, <br /> Mayor <br /> Attest <br /> N. E. Rockley. <br /> Town Cle.-k <br />