CT A TIN nF rnT (AD A Tin .
<br /> _r =- rt ___ ____ _ - --- - •..a.. ^.,:
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 161 alleys both east and west, trom the
<br /> AN ORDINANCE CREATING AN intersection of said Second Street
<br /> •ing IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IN THE with Pine Street to the south ends
<br /> TOWN OF LOUISVILLE TO 'BE, of Blocks 4 and 6 of the Original
<br /> KNOWN AS SIDEWALK IMPROVE- Town of Louisville;
<br /> MENT DISTRICT NO. 2, AND OR- On both sides of saidSecond Street
<br /> DERING THE CONSTRUCIION OF as produced south into what is
<br /> "' e CERTAIN SIDEWALK IMPROVE- known as "Parbois Tract" and to
<br /> e MENTS THEREIN. the road or street on the west and
<br /> . t WHEREAS, At a special meeting to the alley on the east,respectively,
<br /> - of the Board of Trustees of the Town parallel with said street so produced
<br /> ••• of Louisville, held on the 22nd day of and to the south end of such street
<br /> June, A. D , 1926, pursuant to pro- so produced.
<br /> .•• ceedings theretofore regularly had and Section 2: That in the said sidewalk
<br /> r adopted by said Board of Trustees, the district and in the sidewalk area an!d
<br /> the e Town Clerk of said Town was, by res- frontage thereof in the portion
<br /> tl olution duly introduced and adopted by thereof, not now having corn-
<br /> said Board of Trustees, ordered to
<br /> S make and publish a notice of a'propo- pleted, udder construction or contract
<br /> for construction under private con-
<br /> 3er sition to create a local improvement tract, of sidewalks in substantial con-
<br /> ll district in the Town of Louisville to be fortuity with the plans and specifics-
<br /> known as "Sidewalk s Improvement tions heretofore adopted b; the Board
<br /> r District No. 2," for the purpose of of Trustees for such sidewalk con-
<br /> causing the construction of sidewalks struction, there shall be constructed a
<br /> I therein addressed to the owners of the concrete sidewalk four (4) feet wide
<br /> .he 1 Premises and property in said district,
<br /> 9 defining the limits and boundaries and four (4) inches thick along the
<br /> lines and upon the grades asheretofore
<br /> _ thereof, describing the kind and char-
<br /> of acters of sidewalks, the estimated cost established for same, with necessary
<br /> ' per front foot of same, specifying the cutting or filling to bring same to
<br /> me ' proposed time and terms for payment grade, all as may be required, and
<br /> of such improvements, and fixing the otherwise in accordance with the plans
<br /> ••• • period for the filinglof and hearing upon and specifications heretofore duly
<br /> any complaints and objections to such adopted and now on file in the office of
<br /> proposed improvements; and,
<br /> the Town Clerk.
<br /> eel WHEREAS, I..is found that such Section 3. That the specific premises
<br /> within said "Sidewalk Improvement
<br /> •
<br /> notice was duly made and published as
<br /> ral
<br /> - provided by law and as set forth in an District No. 2"!not now having side
<br /> ed a Act, of the 24th General Assembly of walk improvements in substantial con-
<br /> formity with the plans and specifica-
<br /> Colorado, entitled;"AN ACT R .LAT- tines for same heretofore and herein
<br /> ' IN CITIES AND 'TOWNS;{'Chapter adopted and which Lave been approved
<br /> in t 180 of the Session Laws of 19,3;and, by the Board of Trusteesand not
<br /> e WHEREAS, No complaints or ob- having such improvements in course
<br /> I of construction or under contract for
<br /> .jections have been made or filed with
<br /> 7 1 the sown Clerk or the Board of Trus- private construction and installation
<br /> tees by any person affected by said conforming to such plane and specifl-
<br /> proposed improvements;iand, cations, and as fo which the estimates
<br /> . WHEREAS, Since the adoption of hereinafer mentioned apply, are the
<br /> ' the said notice to owners of real estate lots and premises and the sidewalk
<br /> within said district, numerous owners areas, acid frontages abutting upon
<br /> have voluntarily constructed sidewalk the following lines`;
<br /> improvements in the sidewalk areas I East line of lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
<br /> abutting upon their several premises, I and 12. Block 6. Capitol Hill Add.
<br /> which improvements have been ap East line of lots 7, 8, a, 10, 11 and
<br /> proved by the Board of Trustees as 12 Block 3, Capitol Hill Add.
<br /> being in substantial conformity with East line of lots 1, 2 and 3; 6 and 7,
<br /> the plans and specifications for such 10 and 11, block 8, Pleasant Hill
<br /> ' / / improvements and that numerous other And.
<br /> owners in said district have under con- East line of lots 12, 13, .1.4, 15, 16
<br /> `/ struction or have contracted for con- and 17, Block 4, Acme Place Add.
<br /> struction of such improvements in West line of lots 13 to 17, inclusive,
<br /> accordance with the plans and s ecifi Block 7, Capitol Hiil Arid,
<br /> cations for such sidewalk imfrove- West line of lots 21 to 4 inclusive,
<br /> ments in said district; block 7, Capitol Hill Add.
<br /> THEREFORE, West line of lot 17, 18, 23 and 24,
<br /> BE IT ORD DINED by THE BOARD block 2, Capitol Hill Add.
<br /> OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF West line of lots 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8, 1
<br /> LOUISVILLE; block 1. Pleasant Hill Add.
<br /> Section I. That a local improve- West line of lots 1 to 9, inclusive
<br /> ment district be and the same is hereby block 7, Pleasant Hill Add•
<br /> created and established within the West line of lots 24 to 3o inclusive,
<br /> corporate limits of the Townof Louis-
<br /> E Block 3, Acme Place Add. I
<br /> vide for the purpose of causing the East line of lots 4 to 11 inclusive,
<br /> construction'lof sidewalks therein and Block 11, Jefferson Place Add. District is 136.90 feet and the total es
<br /> timated actual cost of same is $182.57
<br /> which is hereby designated as "Side- East line of lot 8 and north 7 1-2
<br /> walk Improvement District No 2," feet of lot 7, block 10, Jefferson That such concrete alley crossings are
<br /> That the boundaries of such district Place Add, hereby ordered constructed and in-
<br /> and the dimensions and character of West line of lots 1 to 12, inclusive stalled, in accordance with the specifi-
<br /> sidewalks to be constructed therein block 8, Capitol Hill Add. cations heretofore adopted, at the cost
<br /> are as follows; to-wit; West line of lot 12, block 4, Jeffer- of the'['own.
<br /> All of the real estate and the abut- s n Place Add Section 7, That the plans and spec-
<br /> ting sidewalk area (except those por- West Jine of lots 14, 15, 16, 17 and ifications for said sidewalk improve-
<br /> tions hereinafter specifically excluded) 22, block 5, Jefferson dace Add, ments and the map of the said "Side-
<br /> within the following described bound- West line of lots 13 and 14, block 6, walk Improvement District No. 2"
<br /> aries: Jefferson Place Add. and now on file in the office of the
<br /> West line of lots 28 to 34, inclusive, Town Clerk are each and all hereby
<br /> On both sides of Grant Avenue adopted and approved.
<br /> and to the alleys block 2, Acme Place Add.
<br /> parallel thereto East line of lots 10, 11 and 12,block Section 8. That toe Town Clerk is
<br /> which are, respectively, next adja- hereby ordered to advertise for bids
<br /> cent to said street, both east and 3, Barclay Place Add.
<br /> East line of lots 5 and 6 and south for the construction of the said side-
<br /> west, from the intersection of said walk improvements, including such
<br /> Grant Avenue with Caledonia Street 16 feet of lot 7, and lots 9, 10, 11
<br /> and 12,block 4 Barclay Place Add, alley crossings, by publication of no-
<br /> on the north to the intersection of I tice in the Louisville Times for three
<br /> Grant Avenue with Hutchinson East line of lots 1, 8, 9 and south
<br /> Street on the south; half 10, block 6, Jefferson Place consecutive weeks, and thereupon to
<br /> Add. submit all bids therefor to the Board
<br /> On the west side of Jefferson East line of lots 10 and 11, block 7 of Trustees, on o' before the 12th day
<br /> Avenue to the alley parallel thereto of August, 1926, and such notice shall
<br /> and next adjacent on the west,from Jefferson Place Add.
<br /> specify that such bids shall be sealed
<br /> West line of lots 13, 14, 15 and 16,
<br /> the intersection of said Jefferson bids, that same must be within
<br /> Avenue with Caledonia Street on block 2, Barclay Place Add.
<br /> West line of lots 6 to 12, inclusive, the said estimated costs, and shall be
<br /> the north to the south line of lot 9, subject to the right of the Board of
<br /> block 3, Acme Place on the south; dd.
<br /> Place and lots 15 to 19 inclusive, block
<br /> 2, Jefferson A f
<br /> On the east side of Jefferson Av- Srusteesection to 9.re Thatject theany saidorall amountbids. of 1
<br /> nue to the alley parallel thereto and West line of lot 5, block 1, Jefferson T
<br /> next adjacent on the east, from the Place Add. $2,927.33 as the total estimated actual
<br /> West line of lots 1 and 2, block 1,intersection of said Jefferson Ave- cost of the said sidewalk improvements
<br /> or as much thereof as may be neces-
<br /> nue with _aid Caledonia Street on Acme Place Add.
<br /> the north to the south line of lot 28, East line of lots 9 and 10, block 2 sary to pay the actual cost of said im-
<br /> Block 2, Acme Place on the south; Barclay Place Add. provements together with the actual
<br /> On the west side of LaFarge Ay West line of lots 8, 10, 11 and 12 apportioned cost of engineering, in-
<br /> enue to the s.tley parallel thereto, block 16, Caledonia Place Add... , spection and incidentals, and interest
<br /> 8, 9, 10 and 11, as specified in the notice to owners of 1
<br /> and next adjacent on the west, East line of lots
<br /> from the intersection of said La- block 4, Original Town d improvemen as hereto r
<br /> Farge Avenue with said Caledonia East line of what is known as lots 1 for"such pro publishedpose , shall beis assessed
<br /> wholly upon the real estate described
<br /> Street the north to the south line to J inclusive what is known the foregoing sections one, two and '
<br /> 11in .
<br /> of Lot Black 7, Jefferson Place as "Parbcis Tract" three, in the several sums and amounts ,
<br /> south;
<br /> the south;
<br /> On the east side of LaFarge Ay- Section 4. That all other premises due on account of such improvements
<br /> nue to the alley parallel thereto within the exterior lines of said dis- and other items hereinbefore men-
<br /> and next adjacent on the east, from trict than those herein above in section tioned, an'ordinance'making which
<br /> the intersection of said LaFarge 3 enumerated, designated and des- assessments shall follow upon the
<br /> cribed are hereby specifically excluded completion of such improvements.
<br /> Avenue with said Caledonia Street from the o erative force of this ordi
<br /> 1 on the north to the south lint.of _, p .. . .. . .. .. Section Io. All ordinances and parts
<br />