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1 }: FRANC.IISiE BY 'I'-:E u+ ills .: ..:: __ , u ,o else <br /> STATE OF COLORADO�f 1 LOUISVILLE TO PUB I'C SERVICE kutstlon, the Board et '11ti<ate c1 recepti <br /> (` SS• „ <br /> COMPANY OF CLOR ADO, ITI said Town may by ordinance adopt- <br /> COUNTY OF BOULDER. ) 1UCCESJORS AND ASSIGNS, a d ay a uajo_:.Y vote .f all <br /> I being CO'STRUCT, ACQUIRE, MAINTAIN t_.erwt t a e, , <br /> Pearl Conley, � <br /> r first s, AND O?ERATE A PLANT O • .te this franchise; such cancellation pub M <br /> ' PLANTS AND WORKS, FOR THl�: , Le be eite, e:,� _.... :.; ., ._. ._... <br /> tS ..__01l OS su.,.: <br /> Z <br /> E`� L It A'= C.:�. TRANSMISSION �.,. _sell u..� p:t <br /> duly sworn, deposes and says : <br /> AND DISTRIBUTION OT ELEC- ordinance. <br /> El TRICITY. AND TO FURNISH, SELL ;,r,�l,v.v VIII. Within ten days Re <br /> t h AND DISTRIBUTE SAID PRODUCT after the final passage and pubs the F <br /> That she is the owner, ,,ion o this ordinance, the Coot• <br /> S TO THE SAID TOWN OF LOUIS <br /> VIL:LE AND THE INHABITANT'., !,any shall file in the office of the Will 1 <br /> manager and publisher O f The j,OLli H— THEREOF FOR LIGHT, HEAT AND clerk of the Town of Louisville an i fact <br /> a POWER, OR OTHER PURPOSES, acceptance in writing of the terms I COpy <br /> 4i ale Times, a weekly near sP dp e r ,n I BY MEANS OF CONDUITS and conditions heraot. M <br /> CABLES, POLES AND WIRES SE{ 1'IOI`i IX The Company shag has <br /> fSTRUNG THEREON, OR OTHER- „cap on file in its office, available to <br /> published in the Town of Louisville, l- \VISE. OVER, UNDER, ALONG. the public, copies of reasonable rule_ Mrs <br /> ad, regulations from time to time Al <br /> ill the County' and State aforesaid and S STREETS AATL ALLEYS AND DG PUB ALL <br /> adopted by it, for the conduct of its wilt <br /> d WAYS AND PLACES IN THE <br /> that u_inesa, and copies thereof shall sev <br /> personal k?:0\`'filed,=,e of TOWN OF LOUISVILLE. ANFI) FIX - <br /> that she has P Ise be filed with the Town Clerk• fur <br /> to INC TH1 T'URMS AND CONDIT- SECTION X. The Company shall r <br /> the facts herein stated. ,e IONS THFRE(?F'• annually pay to the Town a sum <br /> RE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD ,qual to one per cent of its gross CO <br /> That the annexed ordinance <br /> OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOW` ,(venue arising from its operation,: exii <br /> i OF I OUISVILLLE: in supplying electrical service with- <br /> • <br /> tn the Town under this franchise <br /> id right is hereby granted by the Town ,excluding revenue received from <br /> or advertisement taken fish: said news— a SECTION I. The franchise an:: <br /> paper was published in said newspaper ,y <br /> of Louisville (hereinafter caller: the Town itself for electricity fur <br /> ,d Town) to PUBLIC SERVICE COM- <br /> ),\ nisherl for street lighting or other <br /> PANY.OF COLORADO (hereinafter purposes) provided, however, that <br /> IY its successors and <br /> On March 20, 1930• called Company), the amount paid to the Town under <br /> re asst,ns, to locate, build, construct, the prow ions of this paragraph <br /> 1f That said newspaper is dilly idla.cquire, extend. maintain,and oiler shall in no year be less than the sum <br /> of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ' <br /> publishing legal notices and adverbs ce Townnta'pl utter plants andn and works ($160•00). The amount above <br /> of the <br /> • <br /> an Act of the General Assembly A for the manufacture, ncration, specified is hereby agreed upon a= <br /> ti15- transmission and distribution of the compensation to be paid for this <br /> said <br /> "An Act to amend an ublicationsdand for illuriinating, heating <br /> advertisements and P n electricity franchise and shall be and is hereby <br /> fishers tereof and to repeal all acts <br /> and power, or other purposes, with accepted by the Town in lieu of any <br /> roVi ai one of this ACt t 3 the right and privilege, for the lr"t' and all other special taxes or as <br /> flirt with the p �r and upon the terms and conditions see m^?ts n?on the pn':rs. wires or <br /> hereinafter specified, to furnish, sell other property of the Company either <br /> r and distribute electricity to the as a francise tax, license tax, or for <br /> r th i h Town and the inhabitants thereof the inspection of the poles, wires or <br /> Subscribed and sworn to befo <br /> by means of substations, conduits, sthcr property of the Cons e'iV <br /> =e me• cables and lines of poles with wires Such payments shall be made on or <br /> �� ie stc ung thereon, or otherwise, on, before the first day of March of each <br /> A. jj• lUi30' e' over, under, along, across and year for the calendar year next <br /> S_ 1' through any and all streets, alleys previous, including the portions of <br /> My C CLa.a$`l i On expires '1, and public ways and places in said the years at the beginning and ex- <br /> m. <br /> S Town; and on,over, under, along, of this fran'c•hise. ,For the <br /> ---a- a loss and through any extension, <br /> r 1_l oseof ascertain ag the correct <br /> . <br /> -el connection with, or continuation of amount to he paid under the pro- <br /> m I the same, and—or on, over, under, `i,ions of this paragraph, the Mayor, t <br /> i along, across and through any and the Town Clerk and—or any com <br /> O!all such new streets, alleys and mittee appointed by the Board of <br /> COI public ways, and places as may be- \ Trustees of said Town shall have <br /> hereafter laid out opened, located access to the books of the local office <br /> or constructed within the territory of the Company in said Town for <br /> W{now or hereafter included in the the purpose of checking the gross <br /> ___-- O71 I boundaries of said Town. income received from operations <br /> SECTION D. The right to use within w <br /> said T9n.' <br /> aT- land occupy sad streets, alleys,'publ'c, SECTION XI. The Town may in <br /> ?^ lS ways and daces for the purposes I. <br /> form and manner as provided by law, <br /> 'SU" aforesaid shall not be exclusive upon payment of just compensation <br /> 111 <br /> S. and the ^own reserves the right to therefor, purchase and take over the tY <br /> le`grant try same or similar use to any property and plant of the Company <br /> !other arson, firm or corporation at situated in and actually used and b <br /> .... <br /> any txie during the period of this useful for the Convenience of the n <br /> flambe. Town and its inhabitants. v <br /> v "TION III. All transmission SECTION XII, The Company 1 <br /> distribution structures and shall not. as to rates, charges, <br /> a? <br /> Iecuipmetrt erected by the Company service facilitiest,rules, regulations 1 <br /> within said Town shall be located or in any other respect, make or 1 <br /> E 90 as to cause minimum interference grant any (preference or advantage <br /> le• with proper use of streets, alleys to any corporation or person or <br /> St and other public ways and places. eubject any corporation or person <br /> SECTION IV. The Company shall to any prejudice or disarvantage, <br /> so maintain its structures, apparatus provided that nothing in this grant <br /> and equipment as to afford all shall be taken to prohibit the estab- <br /> /.90 reasonable protection against injure lishment. from time to time, of a <br /> or damage to persons or property raduated scale of charges ands <br /> 3.02 therefrom; and the Town shall be classified rate schedules to which any <br /> 5 00 saved harmless from any damage customer\coming within such classt- <br /> 3.73 arising out of the exercise by the ficatinn would be entitled. <br /> 0.00 Coi' pant' of the rights and privileges SECTION XIII. The right is' <br /> „•00 hereby granted. hereby reserved to the Town to <br /> 5.l,0 SECTION V. The Town shall adopt. from time to time, in addition <br /> •35 have the right to the use of any to the provisions herein contained, <br /> t10 poles owned and operated ha the such ordinances as may be deemed <br /> j U0 Company in said Town for the a:- <br /> necessary in the exercise of its police' <br /> tachment of an electrical fire and power, provided that such regulat-I <br /> police alarm system: provided, how ions shall be reasonable and not <br /> 3.00 ever, that said Town shall save and destructive of the rights herein <br /> hold harmless the Company from granted, and not in conflict with,the <br /> 7.56 any damage arising from such use • <br /> laws of the State of Colorado. <br /> 0.00 of said poles. SECTION XIV. Wherever "Cottt- <br /> 06 SECTION 'VI. In consideration of pally" is used in this francise it is <br /> 6.17 land as compensation for the grant- intended to include not only Public I <br /> le 5 ling of this fransehiae the Company' Service Company, of Colorado, but <br /> 1 67.1:,-Ill supply and distribute electricity also its successors and assigns. I <br /> .00 for lighting, heating, power and SECTION XV. That, whereas, <br /> I other lawful pn"po,•^s to the Town said Town and its inhabitants other j <br /> and and its inhabitant: at fair and rocs" wise will rot continue adequately or <br /> on-ir'n rates, whirl, rats^ shall be properly to be sup salad with electri- r <br /> ,ve. <br /> .t subject to regulat'ou as prov;dEd b ' city- an emergency is declared to <br /> la•.r. exist and this ordinance is declared I <br /> Le II SECTION VII The franchise <br /> to be necessary to the Immediate <br /> herein gr toted ^.hc'l take effect am' preservation of the public peace, c <br /> be in force from and after the final health snit s 'sty and shall go into i <br /> passage and publication hereof, a:, effect immediately upon its final <br /> (required by lave, end upon filing of rr, t�� l , ;;ion. 1 <br /> acceptance by the Company as pro passed, a'cpted aid ordered t <br /> vided in Section VIII he reef, and published this 1Rth day at.nits ' ' <br /> Shall continue in force anti eff^et Po' 1 930. • 1 <br /> ie twenty years from and after such G. R. HENNTNO, I <br /> passage: provided, that dui ng .hc' (TOWN SEAL) Mayor,; <br /> 29 period Dean September 20, 19 39 to ATTEST: <br /> March 20, 1940 a la giving tie JAMES FENOLIA, <br /> ac Canape-y sixty days notice in writing Clerk, <br />