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City Council Agenda and Packet 2019 12 19 Legislators
2010-2019 City Council Agendas and Packets
2019 City Council Agendas and Packets
City Council Agenda and Packet 2019 12 19 Legislators
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12/18/2019 9:58:12 AM
City Council Records
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City Council Packet
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Public Health and Safety <br />The City supports law enforcement and municipal court policies that ensure public health and safety, thereby <br />improving the quality of life in partnership with the community. <br />Positions: <br />• The City supports ongoing opportunities to mitigate municipal costs for healthcare and mental health <br />services for persons in custody. <br />• The City supports state funding for municipalities to provide counsel at an initial appearance in <br />municipal court. <br />• The City opposes legislation that would prohibit the use of red light cameras and speed radar. <br />• The City supports legislation that upholds local government authority related to marijuana consumption, <br />and allows for local opt -in provisions for any new permitting or licensing provisions. <br />Energy/Environment <br />The City supports legislation to address climate change by improving energy efficiency, increasing the use of <br />cost-effective renewable energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels while <br />maintaining the reliability and resilience of energy delivery and local control. <br />Positions: <br />• The City supports the development of a long-term statewide energy plan with the overall goal of <br />reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing energy consumption, increasing the use of clean energy, <br />and transitioning away from fossil fuels. <br />• The City supports policies that reduce overall energy demand and consumption, while respecting local <br />authority in implementing such policies. <br />• The City supports solid waste policies that reduce the use of disposable/single use products and that <br />foster infrastructure, incentives, and programs for recycling and composting. <br />• The City supports legislation that incentivizes green building and sustainable design for residential, <br />commercial, and industrial properties without imposing unfunded mandates. <br />• The City supports the preservation of air quality and emission reductions through legislative, <br />administrative, and regulatory actions. <br />Transportation <br />Colorado's transportation infrastructure, which connects our communities and facilitates the movement of <br />people and goods, is essential to the economic vitality of our state and necessary to maintain the high quality of <br />life enjoyed by Coloradoans. <br />Positions: <br />• The City supports one or more new, designated state funding sources for transportation that are not <br />reliant on the State General Fund and that provide a local share to support local and regional <br />transportation investments. <br />• The City supports accelerating the electrification of the transportation sector and other innovative <br />transportation technologies that reduce emissions and congestion. In conjunction with these efforts, the <br />City supports a sustainable funding structure for the maintenance of roads, bridges and multimodal <br />transportation infrastructure, and the operation of transit. <br />• The City supports investments in multi -modal strategies that increase transportation options, improve <br />mobility, and reduce congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. <br />
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