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between the links for privacy. <br /> <br />Public Heating - Flatiron Discount liquors, Inc., d/b/a Flatiron Discount Liquors - Retail <br />Liquor Store License - 550 s. McCaslin Blvd. <br /> <br />Chairperson Jeffers opened the public heating on the application of Flatirons Discount liquors, Inc. for <br />retail liquor store license. The licensed premises are located at 550 S. McCaslin Boulevard in Louisville. <br /> <br />The Secretary commented that the application is for a retail liquor store license. Copies of the complete <br />application have been provided to each Authority member. The application is complete. Fingerprint <br />reports are already on file with the state. Public notice of this hearing has been posted and published in <br />accordance with state law. The Secretary was not aware of any reason that would require the Authority <br />to deny the application. <br /> <br />Attorney Light commented that the published public notice had one omission that is required by the State <br />Statute. Public notice on corporations must include names and address of the officers and shareholders <br />of the corporation. In reviewing the matter, Light stated that the public heating could commence, <br />however at the conclusion of the meeting the hearing should be continued to the next meeting. Staff <br />would then re-publish and re-post the required information for a continued heating. <br /> <br />Chairperson Jeffers asked if there were any Authority member disclosures. There were none. <br /> <br />Chairperson Jeffers asked if anyone present had any objections to the boundaries of the neighborhood <br />being the current boundaries of the City of Louisville. Being none, the public hearing proceeded. <br /> <br />Chairperson Jeffers moved that the complete application as contained in the Authority packets be made a <br />part of the record of this heating. Lipton seconded the motion. All members were in favor. <br /> <br />Chairperson Jeffers asked the applicant to come forward, state their name and address for the record, and <br />take the oath. <br /> <br />Mr. Dill, Attorney for the Applicant, Flatiron Discount Liquor, Inc., stated that he had seven Louisville <br />residents who wished to speak in favor of the application. He also stated that Mr. Max Scott of Oedipus <br />Inc., who conducted the survey for the application, would make a presentation of the results of the <br />survey. Finally he would request the applicant's shareholder and officer, Richard Eisenberg make a <br />presentation to the Authority. <br /> <br />Mr. Dill stated that the application was for a 1690 square foot store. The concept is not to compete with <br />the larger liquor stores but to provide customer convenience and meet the requests of people that shop at <br />Sam's Club. The prices of wine and liquor will be at a very competitive cost. <br /> <br />Mr. Dill asked that the witnesses be sworn in. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />