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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2020 02 12
2020 Open Space Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2020 02 12
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Last modified
4/14/2020 11:46:34 AM
Creation date
2/18/2020 8:32:02 AM
City Council Records
Meeting Date
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Boards Commissions Committees Records
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SUBPROGRAMS OBJECTIVES & ACTIVITIES <br />ACQUISITION SUBPROGRAM OBJECTIVE: Maintain an up to date list of high-priority candidate parcels for acquisition. Contact each property owner and, based on the owner’s expressed interests, <br />determine the most effective strategy for voluntary acquisition of or easement on each candidate parcel. Maintain contact with each property owner consistent with their <br />expressed interests. Voluntarily acquire candidate parcels at a price that reflects the current market value for comparable property (considering all development restrictions, <br />size, location, existing development, and other relevant factors). Maintain funding for acquisition consistent with adopted Council policy. <br />Increase the following activities: <br />Decrease the following activities: <br />Proposed new activities: <br />MAINTENANCE & MANAGEMENT SUBPROGRAM OBJECTIVE: Manage the City’s Open Space properties in a manner consistent with good stewardship and sound ecological principles that benefits citizens of Louisville by <br />promoting native plants, wildlife, wildlife and plant habitat, cultural resources, agriculture and scenic vistas and appropriate passive recreation. <br />EXAMPLES: Prescribed burn at Davidson Mesa, hire full time maintenance position, restore encroachment areas, weed control, installing bird perches, adding bat boxes, bird <br />surveys, vegetation surveys, amenity maintenance, trail corridor mowing, etc. <br />Increase the following activities : <br />Decrease the following activities: <br />Proposed new activities: <br />EDUCATION & OUTREACH SUBPROGRAM OBJECTIVE: To inform and educate residents and visitors about the City’s diverse Open Space properties and the many benefits associated with these lands. To involve <br />residents and visitors in activities that encourage understanding and stewardship of these lands. <br />EXAMPLES: Hire full time Education and Volunteer Corrdinator, Ranger Booths, Ranger Campaigns, Programs for children/teens/adults, property walks, collaboration with <br />school system, collaboration with Thorne Nature Experience, music/art programs, Poo Crew, volunteer weed pulls, volunteer raptor monitoring, etc. <br />Increase the following activities: <br />Decrease the following activities: <br />Proposed new activities: <br />TRAIL MAINTENANCE SUBPROGRAM OBJECTIVE: Maintain all trails to a satisfactory level to encourage recreation and to enable safe walking, running and bike riding around Louisville. <br />EXAMPLE: Hire full time maintenance position, resurface trails, fixing low spots, addressing safety issues, seeding trail edge, improving drainage, etc. <br />Increase the following activities: <br />Decrease the following activities: <br />Proposed new activities: <br />NEW TRAILS SUBPROGRAM OBJECTIVE: Construct the highest priority new trails and trail connections to enhance the trail system in a manner consistent with City Council adopted plans. <br />EXAMPLE: Trails Open House, Collaborate with the County on Regional Trails, identify local neighborhood access points, etc. <br />Increase the following activities: <br />Decrease the following activities: <br />Proposed new activities: <br /> DRAFT 2021 & 2022 OSAB Operational Budget Recommendations- PLANNING WORKSHEET DRAFT <br />21
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