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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 4, 2020 <br />Page 3of9 <br />Assistant City Manager Emily Hogan stated to begin, this is an update on the project. <br />Phase II has started and it focuses on implementing the consultant's strategies from <br />phase I. They include the following focus areas: Flight Operations, Procedures, and <br />Practices; Community Outreach and Engagement, Industry Outreach and Engagement; <br />Land Use Planning, Zoning and Development; and Regional Collaboration. She noted an <br />update for each area is included in the council communication. <br />In phase II the consultants will continue to work with the airport's noise task force to <br />advocate for the City's priorities and will continue outreach with industry partners. The <br />community noise roundtable will be led by Jefferson County (JeffCo) and include <br />Louisville, Superior, Broomfield, Boulder County, Westminster, Arvada, and the Rocky <br />Mountain Metropolitan Airport (RMMA). <br />Hogan stated staff will continue to implement these strategies and give updates to <br />Council throughout the year. <br />Deputy City Manager Davis stated the State is also working on this topic. She noted three <br />action steps the group is working on: working with CDPHE on noise monitoring and air <br />quality monitoring, as well as working with CDOT to determine opportunities for funding. <br />Councilmember Lipton stated these steps are positive momentum but we need to keep <br />focused on this. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney agreed with Councilmember Lipton. He would like to make sure <br />Council continues to get updates so they are ready to make policy decisions if needed. <br />Public Comments — None <br />Mayor Pro Tem Maloney moved to approve the Phase II contract; Councilmember Lipton <br />seconded. All in favor. <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked for two Councilors to volunteer to work in this issue. <br />Councilmember Brown and Councilmember Lipton volunteered. Councilmember Leh <br />moved to approve the committee; Mayor Pro Tern Maloney seconded. All in favor. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1789, SERIES 2020 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.32 <br />OF THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING ADMINISTRATION OF THE <br />RETAIL MARIJUANA FACILITY TAX AND AMENDING CHAPTER 5.11 OF THE <br />LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING RETAIL MARIJUANA SALES TO <br />NONRESIDENTS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO — 2ND READING, PUBLIC <br />HEARING (advertised Daily Camera 1/26/20) <br />Mayor Stolzmann introduced the item by title and opened the public hearing. She asked if <br />any members of Council have any disclosures. No disclosures. <br />