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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 25, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Director Mosely reviewed current practices. For parks it includes a combination of control <br />options including herbicide use and regulations. Herbicides are applied with spot spraying <br />as needed and broadleaf herbicide used once each year. He stated they discontinued <br />spraying herbicides in playgrounds in 2017. Open Space staff uses a variety of methods <br />for weed control, the vast majority is done via mowing and hand pulling. Open Space uses <br />a wide variety of herbicides. He noted the Open Space Division is mandated by the State <br />Department of Agriculture to control noxious weeds. The goal is to allow native species to <br />thrive. <br /> <br />He stated the Open Space Board (OSAB) supports changes to the IWMP and current <br />operational practices related to weed management on Open Space Properties. The Parks <br />Board (PPLAB) feels strongly the City should reduce the application of herbicides and also <br />recommends an outreach campaign. <br /> <br />Director Mosely reviewed the operational alternatives for Open Space. It could remain <br />status quo, it could allow for the use of 2, 4-D and Glyphosate on specific properties or in <br />certain instances, or there could be a full ban of 2, 4-D on Open Space properties. <br /> <br />For parks the alternatives include the status quo, targeted reductions in some parts and <br />use in other specific areas, or a full ban on 2,4-D and Glyphosate. <br /> <br />Staff is requesting direction on updates to the IWMP, specifically the option of no changes <br />on Open Space, and Parks options for reducing use. He added a communication program <br />will be needed to explain changes to residents. He stated the goal is to serve the <br />community and manage the assets of the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked if the 12 oz. used in Open Space included backpack spraying or if <br />alternatives were used. Brignull stated the two methods used most on Open Space were <br />caution level herbicides and they have replaced Glyphosate with mechanical pulling. They <br />use Glyphosate for cheat grass treatment. <br /> <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked how the Department defines a greenway. Director Mosely stated <br />those areas are non-irrigated lands that are designated as park land. Johnson stated <br />these areas might appear as open space to people but they are maintained like a park. <br /> <br />Councilmember Fahey asked how Elephant Park is being maintained as it is herbicide free <br />and why can’t this be done Citywide. She suggested using native plants Citywide to be <br />completely herbicide free. She noted the side effects from herbicides are significant and <br />she would like them banned particularly 2,4D and Glyphosate. <br /> <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked how long we have not been using herbicides in Memory Square. <br />Johnson stated the Department has not been spraying there since 2008. <br /> <br />Councilmember Brown asked what our neighboring municipalities do for herbicide use and <br />how we compare. Director Mosely stated Louisville is probably in the middle. Boulder does