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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 25, 2020 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />and they are affected. The City should identify the parks where the grass is most used by <br />kids or have sections of parks where you know nothing is being sprayed. <br />Councilmember Dickinson noted the parks and open space staff are trying really hard to <br />be responsible and meet needs. He stated the community is unified behind not using <br />these chemicals but that will mean weeds. It is a choice between chemicals and <br />effort/money. If it is money, that is where we should put additional resources. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Maloney stated the IWMP is solid and allows for policy options. We have <br />to protect the playgrounds and areas people use. He agreed the weeds have to be <br />addressed with proper timing. He supports reducing use now and moving towards a total <br />ban. It is important to realize that there may be times some herbicide might be needed. <br />We need to use methods that make sense and are not harmful to the community. <br />Councilmember Brown stated as a parent he would never use these chemicals in his lawn, <br />so why subject others to these chemicals. He agrees the timing of the spraying is key. He <br />would like the IWMP to have specific criteria to dictate when staff will use specific methods <br />and we should use chemicals as a last resort. He supports a ban in parks if not citywide. <br />Councilmember Leh stated he is concerned about an outright ban as there might be some <br />instances it is needed but we need to move toward weed control with little to no herbicide <br />use. We should expand the number of parks currently piloting no use and we need a <br />broad public education campaign. <br />Councilmember Fahey stated her job as a councilmember is the health and safety of <br />residents and this is right at the top of this list for health. There is no evidence herbicides <br />are the only way to control weeds. Just starting with Glyphosate and 2,4D would be taking <br />a steps towards those goals. She wants a specific goal and specific time established. <br />Mayor Stolzmann stated for Open Space she is guided by the Charter which notes <br />nontoxic remedies should be tried first. This is not an easy effort but it is necessary. She <br />would like a specific list of chemicals we won’t use in parks and open spaces and it should <br />include 2,4 D, Glyphosate, and nicotinoids. She noted mechanical weed pulling is <br />expensive and we will need to address the consequences of not spraying. It needs to be a <br />community effort; it is not inexpensive or easy. <br />Councilmember Dickinson stated the Council needs to know what the expectations are. <br />We have to say if this is important to us then invest in it; it is not a small task. <br />Mayor Stolzmann reviewed the staff direction asking it include a list of what resources are <br />needed to eliminate the use of Glyphosate and 2, 4-D, continuing no use of nicotinoids, <br />and stop using of organophosphates in parks, open space, and medians. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Maloney stated he would like recommendations on the timing as well.