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where the discussion or decision is taking place during the time the <br />proposed action is being discussed and the decision is being made. <br />CHAIR: The Chair is the member of Council who presides over a Council <br />meeting and shall do so according to these Rules and applicable law. The <br />Mayor serves as Chair of all Council meetings at which the Mayor is <br />present. In the Mayor's absence, the Councilmember appointed as Mayor <br />Pro Tern will serve as Chair. In the absence of both the Mayor and the <br />Councilmember appointed as Mayor Pro Tem, then the Councilmember <br />with the greatest seniority on Council, followed by alphabetical order, will <br />serve as Chair. <br />IV. MEETINGS <br />A. REGULAR MEETINGS: Council shall hold regular meetings twice each <br />month. Regular meetings shall be conducted on the first and third <br />Tuesday of the month, excluding holidays, and shall convene at 7:00 <br />p.m. unless another day or time is set by prior approval of a majority of <br />the Council. A regular meeting may be held on at least seventy-two (72) <br />hours written notice. <br />B. SPECIAL MEETINGS: A special meeting shall be called by the City Clerk <br />on the request of any four (4) members of the Council, and shall be held <br />on at least forty-eight (48) hours written notice. In addition to other means, <br />a request for a special meeting may be effected by e-mailing such request <br />to the City Clerk or by a motion approved a majority of the entire Council. <br />C. EMERGENCY SPECIAL MEETINGS: An emergency special meeting <br />shall be called by the City Clerk on the request of the City Manager or <br />any four (4) members of the Council and shall be held on at least twenty- <br />four (24) hours written notice to each member of the Council. In addition <br />to other means, a request for an emergency special meeting may be <br />effected by e-mailing or telephoning such request to the City Clerk. Each <br />person requesting the meeting must have determined that the meeting is <br />urgently necessary to take action on an unforeseen matter requiring <br />immediate action; and the basis for the determination shall be stated in the <br />notice of the meeting. <br />The Council shall not take action on any item of business at any special <br />meeting unless the item to be acted on has been stated in the notice of the <br />meeting; or the item to be acted on is reasonably related to the item which <br />was stated in the notice of the meeting. <br />D. STUDY SESSIONS: The purpose of study session meetings is to enable <br />the Council to obtain information about and discuss matters of public <br />Louisville City Council Rules of Procedure page 3 <br />Adopted 1121120 <br />