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business in a less formal atmosphere. No preliminary or final policy <br />decision, fiscal decision, rule, regulation, resolution, ordinance, action <br />approving a contract, action calling for the payment of money, or other <br />formal action shall be made or taken at any study session. <br />At any study session, any member of the public who in good faith <br />believes that a study session is proceeding in violation of this section <br />IV.D shall be entitled to submit a brief written objection to the Chair of <br />the study session; the written objection shall specify the grounds for the <br />objection. The Chair shall exercise discretion in determining whether the <br />study session complies with this section, and shall conduct the study <br />session in accordance with that determination. <br />Study sessions are generally held on the 2nd and 4t" Tuesday of each <br />month. <br />E. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS: It is the policy of the City that the activities of <br />City government should be conducted in public to the greatest extent <br />feasible in order to assure public participation and enhance public <br />accountability. The Council may hold an executive session only at a <br />regular or special meeting and for the sole purpose of discussing topics <br />approved by the Charter. <br />Adoption of any proposed policy, position, resolution, rule, regulation, or <br />formal action, or informal or "straw" vote, shall not occur at any executive <br />session. <br />Executive Session Procedure: <br />1. A request for an executive session may be made only by a member of <br />the Council, the City Attorney or other attorney representing the City, <br />the Municipal Judge, or the City Manager. <br />2. The request to go into an executive session shall be made in an open <br />session at a regular or special meeting of the Council. The requesting <br />party shall give as detailed and specific a statement as possible <br />avoiding disclosure of any confidential matters, as to the topic or topics <br />to be discussed and the reasons for requesting an executive session. <br />3. Immediately after a request to go into an executive session, and prior <br />to any motion to go into executive session, the City Clerk shall read the <br />statement concerning executive sessions required by the Code. <br />Louisville City Council Rules of Procedure page 4 <br />Adopted 1121120 <br />