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Memo <br />Library Board of Trustees <br />Thursday, March 12 <br />RE: Proposed Policy for the Use and Reservation Policy for Space at the Louisville Public <br />Library <br />Library staff has been approached by several individuals and groups that request variances to the <br />current Meeting Room policy for use of the meeting spaces in the library. In order to address <br />these requests and increase the community's ability to use these spaces the Library staff is <br />proposing a new Use and Reservation policy. <br />• The current policy does not allow individuals or community groups to use the Meeting <br />Room and Board Room. These spaces are currently restricted to Organized 501(c)(3) <br />Non -Profits and For -Profit Businesses. By allowing individuals and community groups to <br />use these spaces we are better serving our community and increasing the use of <br />underutilized space. <br />• The current policy limits the use of the Meeting Room and Board Room to 4 hours per <br />meeting. Library staff is often are asked to make exceptions for longer meeting times. <br />• The Board Room has a 30% occupancy rate for the last year. <br />• The current policy limits the frequency of bookings in the Meeting Room or Board Room <br />to 1 per month, by allowing up to 3 reservations in the Board Room (no change to the <br />Meeting Room) each month, we are able to accommodate groups that meet bi-weekly in <br />this space. <br />• The current policy does not allow for -profit businesses outside of Louisville or Superior <br />to book the Meeting Room or Board Room. This policy proposes allowing those groups <br />to use the space at an increased fee. Louisville is often a central meeting place between <br />Denver and Boulder and staff often get requests from businesses outside of Louisville or <br />Superior. <br />