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<br />4 <br />member serves to: <br /> <br /> Communicate the City’s expectations to the board. <br /> Relay board requests to the City Manager and City Council. <br /> Identify areas in which the City would like the board’s input and advice. <br /> Provide procedural guidance on the role of the board, City regulations, meeting <br />rules, and open government procedures. <br /> Coordinate meetings and projects for the board. <br /> Assist the Chairperson in creating the meeting packet and publishing that <br />packet in accordance with all open government rules. <br /> <br />If any board or board member has a conflict with or concern regarding your staff <br />liaison, please contact the City Clerk. <br /> <br />BOARD MEMBER EXPECTATIONS <br /> <br />Attendance <br />The effective operation of a board depends upon regular attendance of the members <br />at meetings. Board members are required to attend a minimum of three quarters <br />(75%) of the meetings each calendar year. If a member is unable to attend a meeting, <br />he or she should contact the chairperson and staff liaison at least 24 hours in advance <br />of the meeting. The staff liaison will monitor attendance and forward attendance <br />information to the City Clerk’s Office when a member fails to meet the attendance <br />requirements stated herein. <br /> <br />In addition, each calendar year, the City Clerk’s Office reports to City Council the <br />attendance information for every board and commission member including the <br />number of meetings held by each board and commission and the number of <br />meetings attended by each member. <br /> <br />Ethics Rules and Conflicts of Interest <br />The objective of City is that appointed members avoid ANY conflicts of interest. A <br />member should also carefully consider for himself or herself avoiding even the <br />appearance of impropriety. Where a conflict exists, and even in situations where the <br />board member is unsure where an actual conflict exists but there exists a potential <br />appearance of impropriety, the City Charter requires the following procedures be <br />followed if you have a conflict of interest: <br /> Immediately and publicly disclose the nature and extent of the conflict. <br /> Do not participate in any discussion or decision regarding the action before the <br />board. <br /> Leave the room. <br /> <br />In addition: <br /> Do not participate in discussions with other members of the board or City staff <br />regarding the matter. <br /> Do not attempt to influence the matter, publicly or privately.