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City Council Finance Committee <br />Work Session Summary <br />05/01 /20 <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />The Finance Committee confirmed with staff that they received enough direction <br />to determine which projects should be scheduled for 2020, some with additional <br />information, and which should be deferred and a new CIP request submitted for <br />the 2021-2026 budget CIP request process. It was agreed that those projects <br />slated for 2020 be realistic and take into account staff workloads and priorities. <br />Finance Committee agreed with cancelling projects staff listed in red. All other <br />projects coded in green, and not identified above, were recommended for carry <br />forward to 2020 based on the discussions with staff, the degree of completion of <br />the project, the funding commitments of the City or other sources, or the likelihood <br />for the project to be completed in 2020. <br />The Finance Committee requested Director Watson prepare a summary of the <br />dollar amounts deferred or postponed. Director Watson stated the feedback <br />received from the Committee would be incorporated into the City's Six -Year Capital <br />Improvement Plan. <br />ADJOURN <br />The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. <br />