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LL �t�'.t'f CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />Lo�x�sville <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />SUBJECT: SALES TAX REPORTS FOR THE MONTH ENDED APRIL 30, <br />2020 <br />DATE: JUNE 9, 2020 <br />PRESENTED BY: PENNEY BOLTE, FINANCE DEPARTMENT <br />SUMMARY: <br />Attached are the monthly revenue reports for sales tax, lodging tax, auto use tax, <br />consumer use tax, and building use tax for the month ending April 30, 2020. <br />Also included the monthly and year-to-date reports on sales tax revenue by area, by <br />industry (in total, and by inside and outside City), and revenue by area graphs for <br />restaurants. <br />Total revenue through April 2020 for the specific taxes contained on the Revenue History <br />report, decreased 0.3% YTD from the same period in 2019. <br />Excluding audit revenue, sales tax is trending 3.4% above 2019 YTD. <br />Excluding audit revenue, consumer use tax is trending 22.7% below 2019 YTD. <br />Sales tax revenue for April 2020 decreased 9.4% from April 2019. YTD sales tax revenue <br />is 2.7% above 2019 and 1.8% below budget. <br />Lodging tax revenue for April 2020 decreased 86% from April 2019, and YTD revenue is <br />down 39.7% as compared to 2019. Lodging tax revenue is currently 40.7% below budget. <br />Auto use tax revenue for April 2020 decreased 50.3% from April 2019. YTD revenue is <br />down 29.6% to 2019 and 19% below budget. <br />Building use tax revenue for April 2020 increased 81.5% from April 2019. YTD revenue <br />is 37.1 % above 2019 revenue YTD, and 45.6% above budget. <br />Consumer use tax revenue for April 2020 decreased 64.3% from April 2019 and YTD <br />revenue is currently 25.5% below 2019. Consumer use tax is currently 10.8% below <br />budget. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />