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3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, OR ON <br />THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA <br />6. COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS ON PERTINENT <br />ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA <br />7. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />8. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />10. COUNCIL COMMENTS, COMMITTEE REPORTS, AND <br />IDENTIFICATION OF FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS <br />11. ADJOURNMENT <br />D. CONSENT AGENDA: The Consent Agenda contains items considered <br />routine and shall be approved, adopted, accepted, or otherwise acted <br />upon, by motion of the Council and voice vote for approval of the <br />Consent Agenda, unless the Mayor or a Councilmember specifically <br />requests an item be considered under Regular Business. Items removed <br />from the Consent Agenda and considered under Regular Business will <br />be placed in the agenda order as determined by the Chair. <br />If the City Council fails to adopt a motion to approve the Consent <br />Agenda, then each item will be added to the Regular Business agenda <br />and considered individually. <br />E. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The following provisions apply to any section of <br />the agenda where public comments are allowed. <br />All regular and special meetings of the Council shall be open to the <br />public. Members of the public shall have a reasonable opportunity to <br />be heard at each meeting. The Chair may permit public comment on <br />any item at the time such item is being considered by the Council. <br />2. Regular meetings include specifically designated times for citizens to <br />make public comment. Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) <br />minutes. <br />3. The Chair may exercise discretion and permit multiple citizens to <br />designate someone to speak for them and aggregate their three - <br />minute limit time up to a maximum of six (6) minutes of speaking time <br />for their designated spokesperson. Those pooling their time must be <br />Louisville City Council Rules of Procedure page 8 <br />Adopted 1121120 <br />