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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 16t", 2019 <br />Page 13 of 13 <br />Parris shared that Travis was her friend and coworker and she made an email <br />introduction with staff. She stated that his plan was to move it, shore it up and restore it <br />offsite, and then trying to find a place for it. She noted that the train cars were not <br />originally from Louisville, but Travis had gone research on them and there had been a <br />ton of support from the community. Travis wanted to work with the City to see what kind <br />of use there could be for it. <br />Dunlap stated that it seemed like a parallel situation to the Miners Cabins. <br />Parris responded that the cars had been brought in for the restaurant. <br />Haley stated that the commissioners should keep conversation about the specific train <br />car issue to a minimum since it was not on the agenda. <br />DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETINGS <br />Adjourn: <br />Klemme moved to adjourn. Parris seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 PM. <br />14 <br />