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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 16t", 2019 <br />Page 8 of 13 <br />Andy Johnson of DAJ Design, 922A Main Street, explained that the owner had <br />requested a demolition permit without a lot of knowledge about city zoning and <br />preservation. DAJ Design, and people in town she talked to, informed her of the options. <br />Johnson explained that wooden structures like this property generally did not last past <br />50 years and some of them had not been taken care of. He stated that the program was <br />voluntary and that should not change. He also noted the importance of the incentives, <br />which is something that no other program offered. He noted that most of the reason why <br />we preserve in Louisville is the social significance, because the architectural <br />significance would not be enough otherwise. He noted that a 90-day stay was sufficient <br />and that a stay should never be a penalty. It should be an incentive to preserve, not a <br />punishment. Johnson explained that the probable cause determination based on <br />architectural significance and he noted the changes, adding that the condition was <br />rougher than most. Some of the foundation did not exist under the home. The HSA <br />would help determine what could be remediated. <br />Klemme asked what the odds were that the home could be preserved. <br />Johnson stated that it had been years since he had been in the home. <br />Klemme asked if the applicant would be interested in landmarking. <br />Johnson confirmed and stated that the Commission would likely see a landmark <br />application. <br />Dunlap asked about the process for bringing the demolition review and probable cause <br />hearing together at the same time. <br />Haley responded that she thought it was a matter of giving the applicant an opportunity <br />to discuss both at the same time. <br />Johnson stated that the reasoning behind the double requests was partially about <br />saving time and avoiding multiple hearings. He added that this review was an <br />opportunity for the Commission to grant a stay. <br />Haley invited public comment. <br />Debbie Vogelsberg, 706 South Longmont Avenue, owned the property right across the <br />street, where her son lived. She thought that the brand-new homes did not fit into the <br />neighborhoods. She noted that the property was three lots and she would hate to see <br />three large buildings there. She hoped that the owner would think about restoring rather <br />than demolishing. <br />Klemme stated that the 90-day stay and the assessment made sense. General <br />agreement. <br />Ulm asked about the timeline for the assessment. <br />9 <br />