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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 8th, 2019 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />All required notice was met. <br />Brauneis asked for conflicts of interest. Seeing none, he invited the staff presentation. <br />Ritchie presented the PUD and SRU for a single -story, 23,000 square foot building with <br />four volleyball courts or two basketball courts and other amenities including locker <br />rooms and a small cafe. Ritchie noted that there was also a small area reserved for an <br />additional tenant or storage space. The application provides for all landscaping <br />requirements and proposed to provide underground retention due to easement conflicts. <br />Public works reviewed the design and had no concerns. Ritchie noted that the signage <br />conformed to the new sign code, which should be in effect by the time this building is <br />up. She presented the material samples to the Commission and asked that they be <br />entered into the record. <br />Ritchie continued that the proposed parking was adequate to operate as a training <br />facility, but may not be adequate for events. Therefore, the PUD contained a note that if <br />use exceeded the available parking, the applicant would be required to submit a shared <br />parking agreement to the City. The owner is already pursuing conversations with <br />neighboring properties to secure an agreement. <br />Moline asked about the future use of the unfinished tenant area. <br />Ritchie replied that with projects in the CTC, the City evaluates if it was an allowed use <br />or an SRU including evaluating the parking availability for the proposed use. <br />Moline asked if tournament use would trigger a new use review. <br />Ritchie replied that a tournament would be within the approved use of the current SRU, <br />but the note addressed the possibility that the parking would be inadequate for <br />tournaments. <br />Kevin Armstrong with Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture, 3457 Ringsby Court Suite 200 <br />in Denver, stated that the additional tenant was to be a congruent use such as a <br />CrossFit training gym space, falling under a similar athletic club for the parking <br />requirements. He anticipated having at most 20 people at a time for that use. <br />Williams asked why recreation required special review. <br />Ritchie replied that she had not been on staff when that use was created, but she <br />thought it had something to do with parking, the evaluation of appropriate use, and <br />possible outdoor facilities. <br />Williams asked if the applicant had approached the HOA for the CTC. <br />Ritchie replied that the applicant had worked with the HOA prior to submitting this <br />design to make sure the HOA was onboard with the design. <br />Brauneis asked for additional questions of staff. Seeing none, he asked the applicant <br />about the underground containment. <br />KI <br />