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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 10, 2014 <br />Page 7 of 14 <br />provided. Why is staff determining that because of this green area, waivers can be granted to <br />the other parts of the development? I accept the waiver on Lot 2 which is the proposed lot for <br />the Grain Elevator with lot coverage of 43%. Lot 1 coverage is 52% which is a large variance to <br />be given. Staff also states that these two commercial zone districts are the only two in <br />Downtown Louisville that have maximum allowed lot coverage. It is recognized that their <br />proximity to an established residential neighborhood needs to be taken into consideration. The <br />maximum building height in the transition area is 35 feet and includes rooftop screening in the <br />mechanical area. The Code also limits a building to the maximum of 2 stories. The additions on <br />Lot 1 and Lot 3 are requested to be 35 feet tall with an allowance of rooftop screening to extend <br />higher. They request to go from 2 stories to 3. These are not minor variances being requested. <br />The only way to accurately evaluate the request is to see a design of what it would be under the <br />existing regulations, one that has 40% lot coverage and 2 stories. We have assertions that this <br />would not work out, that this is a better plan, but I am not willing to accept those assertions on <br />face value. I think the Planning Commission has an obligation to determine what that design <br />would look like and evaluate it intelligently before accepting it. We need to see a plan under the <br />existing zoning regulations. <br />Lee Ann Cast, 485 Front Street, Louisville, CO <br />My property overlooks the warehouse as well as the Grain Elevator. Our concern is about <br />parking. Since Jump N' Rope has opened in the warehouse, there has been an increase in <br />parking. Since the road is closed, we have had to call to get clearance so we can see cars <br />driving up County Road to get out on Front Street. Cars are parking in our neighborhood. The <br />biggest concern is the corner of Front and County. This is not a two lane road currently. There is <br />no parking on either side. It is a blind corner. With traffic being invited into the neighborhood, <br />this intersection will be a serious traffic concern. Perhaps it can be made a cul-de-sac. Please <br />go look at the intersection at Front and County. <br />Questions from Commission to Staff and Applicant: <br />Brauneis asks whether staff is aware of the Front and County intersection. <br />Robinson has not heard about problems with the intersection. Staff will be happy to look at it <br />and see how it can be made safer. <br />Moline asks the applicant if they have looked at the 2 stories versus 3 stories in regard to <br />economic viability. <br />Hartronft answers he can design a 2 story, code compliant project. The design is using sloping <br />roof forms to mask the bulk of the building. We could go straight up, two stories, 35 feet, flat <br />roof, 5 feet from the sidewalk on Lot 3. We could expand Lot 1 to fix the lot coverage if it is a <br />math problem. Staff pointed out that the overall bulk is less than is allowed by code overall. We <br />are giving away development potential by creating the green space. We are under the lot <br />coverage at 38% as an aggregate. <br />Brauneis asks about easement being green unless the City requires otherwise. <br />Hartronft says he likes the language that Michael Menaker stated. <br />Summary and request by Staff and Applicant: <br />Staff agrees with the Michael Menaker suggestion of the easement being green unless the City <br />requires otherwise. Staff supports the proposal with one condition that can be modified by <br />Planning Commission. <br />Closed Public Hearing and discussion by Commission: <br />Rice shares Hartronft philosophy. Keep the green space green but not start with a deficit of <br />parking spaces. I am concerned about an open ended waiver of the screening over 35'. A full <br />run of screening could become 40'. Staff assures me that this can be addressed in the final. <br />