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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />April 14, 2016 <br />Page 9 of 19 <br />think we can let reasonable people come to reasonable solutions, and be comfortable that <br />everybody knows what is at stake here. We will be happy with the outcome. As an aside, we get <br />hate mail all the time. When new stuff goes into old neighborhoods, we actually get the <br />appearance of things being built over a wide variety of time. It doesn't matter what you do, <br />somebody not going to be happy. The one story commercial interestingly enough matches what <br />is directly across the street next to Alfalfa's, so it is compatible with the street scape. If memory <br />serves me, it is the preferred design that came out of the architectural surveys that were part of <br />the South Boulder Road Small Area Plan. It is not always economically viable to do a one story <br />commercial building. In this case, we have an opportunity where community desires and <br />commercial reality align, so it is to be reinforced and commended, not discouraged. Finally, as <br />always, I am generally in favor of experimenting with sign code which no one likes, and I would <br />encourage you to have discussion and consider allowing the additional monument signs that <br />have been reduced in the staff report. I get where staff is coming from, and code is code. But <br />nobody really thinks the code works particularly well either. When it comes to commercial <br />signage, in an area that has an opportunity to add real vitality commercially to the area, I would <br />suggest that you consider at least allowing the applicant's request for a sign variance and <br />allowing double monuments at the entrance and provide visibility in both directions on a pretty <br />busy and divided wide street. I urge you to support this and look forward to seeing it go forward <br />with your unanimous approval to City Council. <br />Robert Tofte, 1417 Courtesy Road, Louisville, CO <br />I am a member of the Revitalization Commission and as such, I am thrilled to see this <br />development move forward. I also live about one block south of this development. My only <br />concern is in the Little Italy neighborhood, there are about 30 houses. You do not have the <br />ability to turn north at Griffith Street if the Highway 42 plan moves forward. To get north from <br />Little Italy and from parts of DELO (such as the townhouses that face Griffith Street), you have <br />to cross the railroad tracks at Griffith and go in front of the middle school on Main Street to <br />South Boulder Road, or you go south on Main Street to Pine Street to Highway 42. 1 think we <br />need to look at the traffic that will be generated, not just from the development, but also the <br />developments to the south of Coal Creek Station. I read in the presentation literature that the <br />bicycle access and foot traffic access would be able to happen on a quiet street, but we are <br />concerned with north -south connectivity to Downtown from Steel Ranch and anything farther <br />north. We are waiting for the underpass which may or may not happen. We need to make sure <br />there is as much connectivity across South Boulder Road as we can get. <br />Summary and request by Staff and Applicant: <br />Robinson says Staff is comfortable with the design of the access and thinks the overall <br />development is compatible with the neighborhood and the waivers are appropriate. Staff <br />recommends the Planning Commission approve Coal Creek Station, Resolution 08, Series <br />2016, with the six conditions noted in the Staff Report. <br />Brothers says there are two issues. One is the issue that the Fire Department wanted us to <br />clarify where their turning radius is. We have identified specifically their large truck traffic, how <br />they clear, and how they use the streets. We gave them a turning radius template. There was <br />some misunderstanding of some of the width of the template. We have since talked to the Fire <br />Marshall and we are meeting with him to make sure that all of the access points he wants are <br />addressed on the plans. He was concerned about the ends of the trucks and the wheel traffic, <br />and whether the ends of the trucks would track the way he would like them to track. We are <br />working with him to make sure we meet all of his requirements. Right now, we are not aware <br />there is anything that needs to be adjusted on the plan. The throat of the turn being discussed, <br />where the existing street width is, was "neck down" as per CDOT's suggestion of how wide they <br />wanted that street to be. The street present right now is set up for parking on both sides. When <br />you neck the street down to the 25', you are essentially eliminating parking on one side. When <br />Fordyce brings a semi in currently, they go over and clear the street because they have control <br />