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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 14, 2016 <br />Page 12 of 33 <br />landscaping versus not. We agree that we will have a solid proposal prepared before City <br />Council, but I will show you where we are headed at this moment. In addition to the mature <br />trees that Staff has recommended, we are looking at trying to preserve the existing vegetation <br />down at the corner of the site with the collection of cottonwoods. We think if we reconfigure the <br />drainage there a little bit, we can leave a significant area of that corner undisturbed. I'm showing <br />a photo of trees with the leaves more leafed out. You can't really see the existing house behind <br />this screen of existing vegetation. The middle photo shows proposed locations for mature <br />landscaping with a hint of what the building will be. We believe you won't really see it because <br />of the density of this if we are able to preserve the existing trees. The lower photo is more of a <br />winter view where we would see the building ghosted in behind the fairly dense tree cover along <br />with these new trees planted along the edge. We are looking at a combination of evergreen <br />trees, probably Ponderosa pines, along with a deciduous tree our landscape architect can <br />speak to in more detail later. It is a crimson spire oak which works well in our western climate <br />but it has a leaf structure that goes down to the bottom, not just a canopy on top. This particular <br />form of oak tends to hold on to its leaves all winter long. This is an added benefit to using this <br />tree. You can see in this sketch a line of evergreens that we will plant on the north side. There <br />are existing Russian olive trees along that edge and Staff has asked us to remove those <br />because they are considered an invasive species and replace them with these evergreens. <br />SHADOWS ON TRAILS <br />Another comment we've heard about is impact of the sun and shade from the building. We <br />looked at it from the winter solstice, at three times during the day. Even on a long shadow day, <br />the shadows from the building never make it to the trails. It will get better in the spring, summer, <br />and fall. Because of its location near the center of the site and the way the building is <br />articulated, we will not have any shade or shadow problems on the trails in the open space. <br />LANDSCAPING <br />We are trying to work through the drainage scheme to get to the detention pond and not disturb <br />any of the area that is green. Anything from the line to the property line, we will leave alone with <br />the exception of hand -carting in and planting a couple of evergreens and oaks. In addition to <br />where the evergreens are on the north side where Staff asked us to plant, we are suggesting <br />some very tall perennial grasses that will stay in place throughout the winter. The scheme for <br />the site itself is that we are trying to play up the notion of this being a lavender farm, which has <br />some therapeutic qualities. We are setting it up in such a way that the patterns of the grasses <br />and the lavender will create the appearance that the building and parking lot were inserted into <br />these rows of lavender. We think this will be a terrific amenity, not only for the residents but for <br />anyone surrounding the site. <br />We are available for questions on any topic. <br />Emails and materials board entered into record: <br />Rice makes a motion and Hsu seconds to enter emails and materials board into the record. <br />Motion passes by voice vote. <br />Commission Questions of Applicant: <br />Moline says do you look at designing a building that met all the constraints on site and what <br />that looked like. If you did that, why did you choose to go in the direction you've gone? <br />Williams says we did not explore options that would do that for a couple of reasons. We had a <br />fairly limited area of where we could fit this building based on the constraints we had, especially <br />around the mine itself. There was a character and level of quality precedent with the other <br />communities at Balfour that drove us in that direction. We knew that getting a height exception <br />had occurred with the other three communities. This is the next extension of a fairly successful <br />campus and we felt the qualities that this community would bring forward would be on par with <br />the others, and would receive similar consideration for that height variance. <br />