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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Page 4 of 23 <br />other three-story buildings downtown and the Framework Plan allows for three-story buildings <br />because variation in height was determined to be appropriate. <br />The Design Handbook notes on height that projects should respect the traditional context of <br />Downtown, that new construction should appear similar in mass and scale to structures found <br />traditionally in the area and to the established context, that new interpretations of traditional <br />building types are encouraged but should be seen as products of their own time, and that new <br />buildings should maintain a visual sense of continuity. Dean added that the Design Handbook <br />stipulated that the third story should be a subordinate "addition" to a two-story building and <br />should be setback substantially from the sidewalk edge such that it appears two stories in height <br />as seen from across the street, that the third story should be setback from the alley faces, and <br />that the materials and details should be simpler than those on the primary fagade. Dean showed <br />an image demonstrating that part of the third story would be visible behind the first -story <br />building, but not from in front of the second -story buildings. <br />Dean stated that the Framework Plan also addressed height. Third stories are deemed <br />appropriate since they provide variation, but one- and two-story should be the norm. It also <br />states that one- and two-story buildings are permitted when defined goals are achieved. Dean <br />stated that the language was nebulous but it did address activating the street with outdoor <br />dining areas, which the project does. The Framework Plan also contained measurable <br />guidelines for considering a third story, allowing for a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 2.0, meaning a <br />third story of no more than 50% of the building footprint. The application met these stipulations. <br />Subdivision Criteria stated that height provide consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, <br />promote the purpose of the Subdivision regulations and compliance with the plat design <br />requirements including orderly growth and the projection of the character and social and <br />economic stability of all parts of the City. <br />In the Comprehensive Plan, the downtown area is a "mixed -used center" where two and three <br />stories are considered appropriate, ground floors should be activated by primary retail, and that <br />projects should promote the health of Downtown through traditional development pattern and <br />pedestrian scaled redevelopment. <br />Under the PUD criteria, height should reflect an appropriate relationship to the surrounding <br />area; an appropriate density, site relationship, and bulk; design considerations should include <br />materials, colors, and lighting; it should comply with Design Standards and be consistent with <br />the Comprehensive Plan; it should reflect architectural compatibility with surrounding designs <br />and harmonious transitions and scale in character in areas of different planned uses; and it <br />should contribute to a mix of styles within the city. <br />Dean stated that in weighing these applicable policies, no additional consideration or weight <br />was given to any policy or group of policies. Instead, all policies had to be interpreted <br />comprehensively. In doing so, staff finds that the project is in compliance with the various <br />policies given the following demonstrated compliance: <br />1. 1 and 2 stories at Main Street to reflect the varied height of buildings along Main Street <br />and to complement the adjacent buildings. <br />2. The third story is setback 49 feet from Main Street, 37.9 feet from the alley, and <br />comprises 50% of the building footprint. <br />3. FAR of 1.87. <br />4. Architectural interest through the use of colors, materials, and window glazing. <br />5. Third story is more subdued and has less window glazing than first and second stories. <br />Dean presented the application's compliance with the SRU Criteria: <br />