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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Page 6 of 23 <br />development. She added that they had not gotten any additional views, as the only policy <br />question was on visibility from across the street and that was the only one they asked the <br />applicant to address graphically. She reiterated that three stories were considered to be <br />appropriate and the application was meeting the other measurable standards. She added that <br />subjectivity from the public comment was mixed. Staff finds that it fit well with the overall context <br />of downtown. <br />Rice moved to include in the record the emails that were added after the packet. Hsu seconded. <br />Voice vote. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Rice stated that, in general, the public comments against the application stated that the <br />development was just too big. He asked Dean to respond to this concern. <br />Dean stated that staff had to analyze the application from a technical perspective, as subjective <br />measures such as "too big" were gray. She reiterated that the development was a change for <br />Louisville that everyone involved wanted to consider carefully. She stated that the applicant <br />revised the original application based on staff comments to meet more policies and the <br />applicant was responsive in reducing floor area and bringing the building in. From staff's <br />perspective it finds within the defined parameters that were definable. From a technical aspect it <br />fits. <br />Rice asked about the setback on the building at 908 Main Street. He also asked about the <br />height of the Mercantile Building. <br />Dean stated that staff did not have building permit records for the Mercantile Building as it was <br />an old building. <br />Rice asked about the height of the Melting Pot/Black Diamond structure. <br />Dean stated that 908 Main was setback 15 feet and the Boulder Building proposal included a <br />setback of 50 feet. <br />Rice asked about the setback on the Zucca building second -story development that had come <br />before the Commission a few months ago. <br />Hsu asked staff to define what "pedestrian -scale" buildings meant in the guidelines. <br />Zuccaro stated that it meant something different to everyone, but in Historic Downtown it <br />generally meant 1-2 story buildings, wide sidewalks, and no parking in front of the building. <br />Glazing, recessed doorways, and materials of buildings all play into a friendly pedestrian scale. <br />Hsu asked why the application had been brought before the Historic Preservation Commission. <br />Dean responded that HPC was a referral agency and staff asked them to review the existing <br />Boulder Creek buildings as at least one of them was over 50 years old. <br />Hsu asked if HPC made any motion or findings. <br />Dean stated that HPC did not come to consensus. Their process was more to gather comments. <br />The Commission reviewed the application early on in the review process. The applicant has <br />amended the application since HPC saw it. <br />Hsu asked if there was any objective measure for evaluating whether a building was <br />representative of its time and place. <br />