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The City continues to move forward with its program -based budget structure, which includes program <br />areas with specific goals and sub -programs with measurable objectives. These goals and objectives <br />are measured on a regular basis through our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the Strategic <br />Plan reflects how our Priority Initiatives are aligned with these program areas. In essence, the <br />program and sub -program areas reflect all of the work the City performs on a day-to-day basis, while <br />the Priority Initiatives reflect those high -priority efforts that represent an increased financial and <br />resource investment over a period of time. The mission, vision and values reflect how the City does <br />this work. <br />Vision <br />The City of Louisville — dedicated to providing a vibrant, healthy community with the best small town <br />atmosphere. <br />Mission <br />Our commitment is to protect, preserve, and enhance the quality of life in our community. <br />Values <br />Innovation, Collaboration, Accountability, Respect, Excellence <br />Revenue and Expenditure Projections <br />Revenue Assumptions <br />As noted above, the City is in good fiscal health. The City relies heavily on sales taxes to fund most <br />programs other than utilities, which are fully supported by utility service fees. Sales tax revenue typically <br />represents about 30% of total City -Wide revenue and about 45% of total General Fund revenue. Staff <br />estimates the City will receive $15.7 million in total sales tax revenue for 2018. This includes the new <br />Recreation sales tax, which accounts for 4.3% of the annual increase. We project that amount will <br />increase by 3% to $16.2 million in 2019 and by another 3% in 2020 to $16.6 million. <br />The table below reflects our current estimates for major sources of revenue for 2018 and budget <br />amounts for 2019 and 2020. <br />3 <br />