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LL 1tyof_ CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />Louisville AGENDA ITEM 1 <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 64, SERIES 2020 — A RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING A BUSINESS ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WITH <br />THE COPLEX LLC FOR AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />PROJECT IN THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE <br />DATE: AUGUST 25, 2020 <br />PRESENTED BY: MEGAN E. PIERCE, ECONOMIC VITALITY DIRECTOR <br />SUMMARY: <br />Staff requests City Council action on a proposed Business Assistance Package (BAP) <br />for The COplex LLC, which is negotiating a deal in hopes of constructing a sports <br />complex in the City of Louisville. Attachment #1 is a Resolution to approve the <br />requested business assistance and Attachment #2 is the proposed agreement between <br />the City and applicant. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />The owners of The COplex LLC, Kyle and Sharon Rhatigan, have a long background in <br />the club sports world and are seeking to create a facility catering to regional sports <br />users. The idea was sparked several years ago, and since that time, they have been <br />evaluating locations in the Boulder County region. Their focus now is on a build -to -suit <br />option at 1776 Boxelder Street in the Colorado Technology Center (CTC), though they <br />have also considered options in Lafayette and Broomfield. The COplex LLC envisions a <br />23,000 square foot facility at the location, which they hope could open by late summer <br />2021. Although the facility would focus on basketball and volleyball club users, it would <br />incorporate flexible gym space so that it can cater to other regional and local sport <br />needs. <br />The COplex LLC hopes to reach agreement on the proposed space in the very near <br />future to meet their opening timeline. The new construction is estimated to be valued <br />between $4.1 and $4.3 million. Tenant finishes and purchasing required fixtures and <br />equipment is currently estimated to cost between $500,000 and $750,000. A number of <br />these types of fixture purchases will be subject to the City's 3% Consumer Use Tax. <br />Although the owners had considered incorporating a shop or small cafe in the building, <br />there are not any anticipated Sales Tax Revenues that would be generated at this time. <br />Since this is a new company, the owners are projecting that employee growth would <br />take place over the first five years of operation, depending on the types of clubs and <br />activities that take place. They estimate growing to have between 5 and 15 full-time <br />employees and between 50-100 part-time employees. The COplex projects payroll <br />between $400,000 - $600,000, with most staff members earning between $30,000 - <br />$35,000. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />2 <br />