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Louisville Local Licensing Authority <br />Meeting Date: May 14, 2001 <br />5 <br />Chairperson Myers asked Ms. Ray to explain the two entries for January 2001 under the March 2001 report <br />on her summary. Ms. Ray stated that the first payment is noted "short check" and the second payment with <br />a "(1)," which means a small payment was made. <br /> <br />Attorney Barnett asked the Authority to admit Ms. Ray's summary as evidence of the hearing. Chairperson <br />Myers asked Attorney Moore if he had any objections. Moore stated he did not. Myers stated that the <br />summary would be marked and entered as exhibit A. <br /> <br />Barnett asked Ms. Ray how many businesses are listed on the state's report each month. Ms. Ray stated <br />approximately two thousand. Attorney Barnett asked if other accounts had similar problems with "short <br />checks." Ms. Ray stated that there are some, but not on a consistent basis. <br /> <br />Attorney Barnett asked Ms. Ray how many of the accounts had problems with delinquency. Ms. Ray stated <br />approximately fifty accounts per month. <br /> <br />Attorney Barnett stated he had no further questions for Ms. Ray. <br /> <br />Vice Chairperson Lipton asked Ms. Ray if the state processes the checks remitted by vendors in a timely <br />manner. Ms. Ray stated that it appears if a vendor submits a payment at the beginning of the month, those <br />payments appear on that month's report, but if a payment is received at the end of the month, it will not <br />appear until the next months report. <br /> <br />Lipton asked Ms. Ray what circumstances would bring a particular vendor's account to her attention. Ms. <br />Ray stated her opinion that the Authority should be advised of liquor licensed establishments that are <br />delinquent in payment of their sales tax. Ms. Ray stated that she is working with Deputy City Clerk Bolte to <br />include vendor sales tax status as part of the information provided to the Authority at the time a liquor <br />license renewal is reviewed. Ms. Ray stated that it is up to the Authority whether to act on this information. <br /> <br />Attorney Moore asked Ms. Ray to define what the term "reversed out" means on her summary. Ms. Ray <br />stated that the term is used when a payment is received in one month followed by a "short check" the next <br />month. <br /> <br />Mr. Moore asked Ms. Ray about September 2000, listed as an outstanding item on her summary. <br />Specifically, Attorney Moore asked Ms. Ray to confirm that the sales tax payment for September 2000 was <br />made in November 2000 and then reversed out in March 2001. Ms. Ray confirmed. <br /> <br />Moore stated that there would appear to be a significant lag time in the processing of sales tax payments by <br />the Department of Revenue. Attorney Moore asked Ms. Ray if the state would be able to provide her with <br />an up to date status of a vendors account. Ms. Ray stated that the state would not be able to provide a <br />current status. <br /> <br />Moore asked Ms. Ray to confirm that she has no record of payment activity since March 2001. Ms. Ray <br />confirmed. Moore asked Ms. Ray to confirm that the payments noted with a "(1)," were small payments <br />made, and assumed by her to be payment of penalties or interest. Ms. Ray confirmed. <br /> <br />Vice Chairperson Lipton asked Ms. Ray if the small payments could be the result of a vendor miscalculating <br />the amount of sales tax due. Ms. Ray stated that she is provided with an additional report by the state, <br />which indicates the gross sales of a vendor, the calculated liability and the amount paid. Ray stated that <br /> <br /> 5 <br />\\FRED\VARRAN\LIQUOR\2001 \MINUTES\MINUTES051401 .DOC <br /> <br /> <br />