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v.\L <br />�1 n1 <br />A 06-com o <br />PROVIDINGTHEABCS OF NEXFGEN <br />ABCx2 Monthly Project Update — Louisville / Superior Project <br />September 1, 2020 <br />Outreach Program <br />We're continuing our initial work outlining the outreach program (campaign). This includes <br />two general audiences: community and industry. On the community side, it is important to help <br />encourage realistic expectations and to inform the community of the efforts by the Town/City in <br />cooperation with the Airport and airport tenants to reduce aircraft noise impacts to the extent <br />possible. <br />We are working with the National Business Aviation Association and have initiated <br />collaboration with the Colorado Aviation Business Association to leverage local and regional <br />support in our pilot and industry engagement efforts. <br />Flight Tracking System Research and Flight Procedure Proposal <br />ABCx2 provided a cost estimate for flight tracking and analysis services to help monitor, <br />analyze, and report the effectiveness of the RMMA noise program and outreach efforts. ABCx2 <br />in partnership with a flight tracking vendor proposes to provide flight track analysis and "Fly <br />Quiet" reporting as a service. This may include a public flight tracking application as an optional <br />service. <br />ABCx2 also provided a cost estimate for the development of flight procedures (preferred <br />routes) between RMMA and the north practice area. Published procedures would provide a <br />preferred/recommended route for traffic going to/from RMMA and the practice area. These <br />