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City Council Finance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />09/15/20 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Director Mosely stated that staff is focused on projecting realistic 2020 revenues <br />and what amount of transfers will be needed from the General Fund for 2020. <br />Director Mosely clarified for the Finance Committee that the term Recreation <br />Center Revenues includes all fees for service, sales and use taxes and other <br />miscellaneous revenue such as interest earnings and insurance proceeds, and <br />that the term Total Revenue includes all recreation center revenues as well as <br />General Fund and Capital Project Fund transfers. <br />Director Mosely stated that Recreation Center revenue for July declined 43% <br />compared to August 2019, and expenses were down 30% as compared to 2019. <br />Total revenues including transfers was down only 14% from 2019. For the month <br />of August, Recreation Center revenue was down 43% compared to August 2019, <br />and expenses were down 36% from 2019. Total revenues including transfers was <br />down 40% from 2019. <br />Director Mosely stated that the Finance Committee packet includes spreadsheets <br />that compare the most -likely and worst -case estimates to actuals for July and <br />August, and also provide seasonally adjusted target numbers for September for <br />discussion. <br />Finance Committee Members and staff discussed that confidence in using the <br />recreation center will not fully rebound until there is a vaccine, and that a second <br />wave of COVID-19 would greatly impact the facility, despite all staff's efforts. <br />Committee Members and staff also discussed there should be ongoing marketing <br />efforts, signage, and other incentives to sustain and expand current programming <br />within the current budget constraints. <br />Finance Committee Members discussed and agreed that they are leaning towards <br />being conservative and using the worst -case projections for the budget process. <br />The Committee asked Finance Director Kevin Watson if he could incorporate the <br />worst -case scenario into the budget process. Director Watson stated he can be <br />flexible with the budget and adjust monthly as actual data is received to incorporate <br />into the long-term financial plan, as required under the City's financial policies. <br />The reports and corresponding narrative can be located in the packet of the <br />September 15, 2020 Finance Committee Meeting. <br />ANNUAL KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS DATA UPDATE <br />Assistant City Manager for Communications & Special Projects presented the <br />annual data update for the City's current KPI's, noting that these KPI's have been <br />recently refined and the new KPI's will take effect in 2021. <br />