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City of Louisville <br />Office of the City Manager <br />Mayor and City Council <br />City of Louisville <br />749 Main Street <br />Louisville, CO 80027 <br />Dear Mayor and City Council: <br />I am pleased to present to you the 2004 Annual Budget. The creation of this budget offered many <br />challenges in a year of economic uncertainty, decreased development in the City, increased costs to <br />maintain services, and the high costs of capital needs. This budget reflects a balance of maintaining <br />basic services to the residents of Louisville, while adhering to the City's fiscally sound policies. <br />Overview <br />The 2004 budget includes a total revenue projection of $28,884,939 for all funds. This revenue <br />estimate is an increase of 2.5% over the budgeted revenue for all funds in 2003. These revenues <br />plus the beginning projected available fund balances for all funds, estimated bond and loan <br />proceeds, operating transfers in, etc., will generate available sources of funds for the 2004 budget of <br />$59,008,211. <br />Total expenditures for all funds in the 2004 budget are $41,165,055. Included in this amount is <br />$17,799,073 for operating expenditures, $3,075,495 for payment of debt service, and $20,290,487 for <br />capital improvements. Total appropriations for all funds, including operating transfers out are <br />$42,213,045. <br />Revenues <br />Property Taxes <br />In November 2001, the voters approved a ballot issue exempting the property taxes from the <br />TABOR restriction, as well as the statutory (5.5%) restriction. The 2003 assessed valuation of <br />property in Louisville is $384,244,284, an increase of 3.62% over the 2002 assessed valuation. This <br />will generate approximately $1,991,922 in general operating property tax revenue for 2003, with a <br />mill levy set at 5.184. <br />In November 2003, the voters approved a ballot question authorizing the City to issue debt for the <br />construction of a new City library facility. Included in this ballot issue was an increase in the <br />property tax mill levy not to exceed 1.581 to pay the debt service for the bond issue. The City <br />anticipates issuing the bonds to construct the new library at the beginning of 2004 and currently <br />expects the debt payments to be approximately $586,400. Based on the City's current assessed <br />valuation, the mill levy required to generate this dollar amount is 1.526 mills. <br />749 Main Street • Louisville, Colorado 80027 • (303) 335-4533 • FAX (303) 335-4534 <br /> <br />