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Economic Vitality Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 16, 2020 <br />Page 2of4 <br />and Vice President of the Downtown Business Association, spoke in support of <br />Ms. Martinelli's request. <br />The Committee agreed that staff had administered the program as intended — <br />requiring purchases and projects to be new and not work already performed. <br />Mayor Stolzmann suggested that September 3, the date the grant program <br />application opened, could be used to determine if purchases qualify. The <br />Committee discussed the pros and cons of amending the requirement, but <br />noting that they believed the purchases Ms. Martinelli described respected the <br />spirit of the grants. The risks of using a date and allowing purchases before an <br />application are: business may make a purchase that does not meet the program <br />criteria, the business does not meet other program eligibility, or the program <br />may be out of funding. <br />Chair Dickinson made a motion in support of amending the Recovery & <br />Improvement Matching Grant program to allow purchases on or after <br />September 3 regardless of the application date —providing staff direction on <br />how to continue administering the program. Mayor Stolzmann seconded the <br />motion. Motion passed. <br />VII. Discussion/Direction- Economic Vitality Strategic Plan Next Steps: Director <br />Pierce reviewed the areas of the plan matrix that had been updated based on <br />Committee direction in September. She directed the Committee's attention to <br />the questions in the memo to help facilitate a discussion about taking the plan <br />to City Council. <br />Mayor Stolzmann said she thought the Committee would be able to coalesce <br />around what was presented for City Council on November 10. She suggested <br />changing the wording around goal priority from "high, medium, and low" to "first, <br />second, third, etc." The other members of the Committee agreed with this <br />revision. <br />The Committee discussed their role after the strategic plan is completed. Mayor <br />Stolzmann noted that other Council members are now interested in Committee <br />involvement, but that there is overlap of responsibilities between EVC, the <br />Business Retention and Development Committee, and the Louisville <br />Revitalization Commission. Mayor Pro Tern Maloney said he viewed the EVC <br />more as a task force than a Committee and thought the plan was the <br />Committee's role. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney suggested the plan probably is not obtainable as it is <br />crafted given staff capacity. He said it was important to filter the plan so that <br />what is most important gets focus. Chair Dickinson said that Director Pierce had <br />compiled the plan and probably done so recognizing capacity limitations. He <br />desired to have more accountability to the plan, by not just representing project <br />start dates but estimated completion dates. Mayor Pro Tern Maloney felt staff <br />Agenda Packet P. 3 <br />