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Economic Vitality Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 16, 2020 <br />Page 3of4 <br />should determine the timing that makes sense, unless City Council has a <br />pressing priority that is advanced. <br />Mayor Stolzmann advocated to make retention the number one goal presented <br />in the plan; others agreed. Chair Dickinson added that context will need to be <br />presented to Council, about the definitions and structure of the plan. He <br />suggested the dates could be color coded to help emphasize priority and timing. <br />VIII. Discussion/Direction- COVID-19 Business Impact Follow -Up Survey: <br />Director Pierce shared a draft survey tool, which would serve as a follow-up to <br />the original impact survey the City conducted in March. A similar survey is being <br />conducted by the City of Boulder, so results for Boulder and Louisville can help <br />inform broader discussions on economic recovery at the County level. The <br />Committee suggested the survey was too long and should be refined to key <br />things the City needs to learn or does not already have the data to analyze. <br />Staff was asked to focus on actionable information. The consensus was also to <br />delay issuing the survey immediately and to bring it back for further discussion. <br />Mike Kranzdorf, downtown commercial property owner, suggested that <br />businesses are not out of the woods yet and it may be too early to learn from <br />some of the questions. <br />IX. Staff Updates: Director Pierce provided brief updates on Outdoor Dining, <br />temporary signage allowances, and business closures. Chair Dickinson <br />requested language about the reasons for the Main Street closure, so the <br />Council could appropriate communicate as questions are received. Mayor <br />Stolzmann asked that staff continue advocating with the County to come up <br />with winter outdoor dining support. <br />The Committee discussed the temporary signage allowances, which are <br />scheduled to expire October 31, 2020. Mayor Stolzmann felt there should be an <br />extension of the previously agreed -to date, because businesses will need <br />signage as they return to more curbside services. Mayor Pro Tern Maloney felt <br />some businesses had taken advantage of the allowances. The Committee <br />recommended the allowances be extended and that staff should determine the <br />appropriate timing. <br />Mr. Oberholzer commented that the State is looking for a consolidated <br />approach to outdoor dining solutions. Mayor Stolzmann noted the <br />announcement of Xcel Energy offering restaurant grants; staff agreed to share <br />this information as it becomes available. <br />X. Current Articles: None. <br />Agenda Packet P. 4 <br />