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SUBJECT: CLEMENTINE COMMONS SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT AMENDMENT <br />DATE: NOVEMBER 10, 2020 PAGE 2 OF 3 <br />BACKGROUND: <br />The city approved the Clementine Commons subdivision plat and Final Planned Unit <br />Development in March of 2018, which authorized construction of 42 multi -family <br />dwelling units and associated site improvements. The city has issued building permits <br />for 21 of the 42 units, and issued certificates of occupancy for five units. <br />The City's standard subdivision agreement typically withholds a certain number of <br />certificates of occupancy until the developer completes the required public <br />improvements. Having this restriction helps to ensure all public improvements are <br />completed and completed in a timely manner. This is in addition to the City holding a <br />financial guarantee for the required public improvements. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />The applicant is requesting issuance of certificates of occupancy for seven of the <br />remaining 16 units currently under construction. These units are complete and the site <br />meets building and fire codes for access and circulation. The developer has <br />substantially completed the public improvements needed to ensure the development is <br />functional, but the City has not provided final acceptance for any of the public <br />improvements and does not consider the improvements to be final. The major public <br />improvements include construction of the detention pond at the southeast corner, a trail <br />connection to the Coal Creek Trail, improvements to East Street, including curb, gutter, <br />sidewalk and streetlights, as well as utilities. The developer is not requesting a <br />reduction in the improvement guarantee or to alter any of the required improvements. <br />Planning and Public Works staff are comfortable with the change in the number of <br />certificates of occupancy that the City can issue prior to full completion of public <br />improvements. The agreement will still require full completion of all public <br />improvements prior to issuance of certificates of occupancy for the final 30 units in the <br />subdivision, and will hold the full financial guarantee until all improvements are <br />complete. <br />PROGRAM/SUB-PROGRAM IMPACT: <br />The request meets the Community Design and Economic Prosperity program goals and <br />sub -program objectives by enabling new residents to complete purchases of the units in <br />the development while continuing to ensure new development meets adopted zoning <br />and design standards and guidelines. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the City Council approve the 1st Amendment to the Clementine <br />Commons Subdivision Agreement. <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. Clementine Commons Subdivision Agreement -1st Amendment <br />2. Clementine Commons Subdivision Agreement <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />