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*oak <br />February 22, 1971L <br />Location: 1125 Lincoln <br />Louisville,; Colorado <br />Armstrong Holmstead <br />Boulder, ;Colorado <br />Subject: Lots 9; 9,;..95,-.ate 96, ^. asking variances for width: -of <br />lots, set back,, -,and square footage. <br />Building #1 interior lot 93 and 94 has 6,250 square feet, 50 feet <br />front, 25 feet: front set back, 7 feet side yard on south side, 19 <br />feet north side yard, and:-56 feet .back yard. <br />Building #2 corner lot 95 and 96 has 6,250 square feet, 50 feet <br />font, 30 feet set back on west side, 7 feet south side yard, 19 <br />feet, north front yard;,and 56 feet back yard. <br />Discussion: Pictures of the house were presented along with floor <br />plans. The three bedroom house would sit on lots 93 and 94. House <br />size 211 feet wide biL feet .deep... <br />The two bedroom house would sit on lots-95 and 96. House <br />feet wide 36 feet deep. • _> <br />The house will: be set back30 feet for purpose of more visibility <br />around the corner. The -front will face on Lafayette. <br />Decussion to reolat lotstto front lots on Lafayette making lots <br />62i feet fronts with 100 feet deep, remaining with 6,250 square <br />footage, set backs could be met. <br />Motion by Ernie Marinelli: that variances be denied. Second by <br />Jack Degerhart. Motion carried by the required four votes. <br />Board recommended that lots be replated and would look favorably <br />on this. <br />