Laserfiche WebLink rr•.t,'.Y _ <br />2_7Jtt�SS:S�I.�._.Ct>LO�tvJ{> i' Mj �- •r .�� `��C .7.... <br />illr,�� 1'7�"L'ri.`._�i�_:: iJ1� . i't _� ]:lL ...+�lil•aj <br />BO aD OF OJ US` .`EiT <br />Notice of Variance. <br />Date <br />December 13, 1974 <br />Case No. <br />10 <br />Petition of Ansel Garrett <br />Premises affected 411 County Ed. Lot 2, Block 3, Murphy Place Addn, City of Louisville - <br />Referring to the above petition for a variation from the requirements of the <br />Zoning Section 4-112 <br />ordnance; <br />SSO as to permit The construction of a non -conforming solid wooden fence along the <br />North property line to conform in sym try with the fence along the South property <br />line previously tiermitted by variance. <br />After a Public hearing the Board of Adjustment voted to vary the <br />Zoning <br />. -ordinance and hereby authorize the Building Inspector <br />to issue permits. for the above, based on the following conditions: <br />All permits necessary for the prosecution of the work have .bee: -i ued.._2 <br />- - _-_.- -- - - and the work shall be completed not later that .. <br />January 31, .1975. <br />This variance is granted to permit sycetry of two fences, one along the <br />South property line and one alon the North Oroo:er ty line e and <br />as follows: <br />Starting at a point Nest of the West ed7e of the sidewalk the <br />fence(s) are per2mittedto a height not to exceed 4,0" (_our feet) <br />sea page 2, continuation sheet. Signed: <br />