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CITY OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO <br />APPEAL APPLICATION FORM <br />BOARD OF APPEALS AND ZONING ADJUSTMENT <br />1. Date March 25, 1983 <br />2. *Case No. <br />To be completed by Board <br />Hearing Date - - 44 " p3 <br />To be completed by Board <br />3. Applicant's Name Eastpark Associates Address P.O. Box 190 <br />Boulder, CO 80306 <br />4. Owner's Name Eastpark Associates Address P.O. Box 190 <br />Boulder, CO 80306 <br />5. Location of Project Lot 1, Filing 3, Coal Creek Station <br />Street Address and Subdivision Lot and Block No. <br />6. Describe request showing justification and relief sought. <br />We are requesting an 8'-0" rear yard setback for the following <br />reasons: 1.) The proposed building will line up with the existing <br />7-11 store, creating a more pleasing appearance from south Boulder <br />Road. 2.) The Fire Department has access to the rear of the building <br />along the permanent access easement. (See back side) <br />Applicant's <br />Signature <br />7. Provisions of the LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE requiring the denial of the permit <br />application. Completion of this section by the Chief Building Inspector. <br />Chief Building Inspector <br />*Note - Within 30 days from the date of application a Zoning Board of Adjustment <br />hearing will be held. Applicant will be notified of the time and date. <br />Please submit with this form all pertinent data including copies of printed <br />application, specifications and plans, as well as any additional information <br />which would be helpful in the presentation of this case. <br />